MEK casualty at Camp Liberty attack rises to Seven

NCRI-Tuesday, February 12, around 2 Pm local time, Ali Ahmadi – MEK member – who was injured in the eye and the head and was severely sounded during the criminal missile attack on Camp Liberty on February 9, passed away in Baghdad hospital (Baghdad medical city). He was in comma from Saturday, morning.

He is the seventh victim of the crime against Liberty residents by the clerical regime and the forces who are under the command of Nouri-al-Maliki.
Ali Ahmadi was 57 years-old and gave up his education in the UK, 25 years ago to join the National Liberation Army of Iran. He is the third member of renowned Ahmadi family that is slain.

His brother Ahmad Ahmadi was tortured to death by the Shah’s notorious secret Police, Savak, in 1975.

His older sister Ashraf Ahmadi, a political prisoner under the Shah as well, was among the political prisoners who were massacred in 1988 upon Khomeini’s Fatwa.

His brothers, engineer Mahmoud Ahmadi and Javad Ahmadi, MD, are members of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. They were political prisoners under the Shah and the mullahs’ rule.

The insistence of Dr. Javad Ahmadi, who is a resident of Camp Liberty as well as the attempts by the legal adviser of Liberty residents for  Dr. Javad Ahmadi to visit his brother in the hospital on Monday, February 11, were futile and Dr. Ahmadi was not allowed to visit his brother.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran sent her condolences to the families of Ahmadi and Shah-badi and their friends in Camp Liberty and Ashraf.  She stressed that the Iranian Reistance, its lawyers, and the relatives of those martyred will bring to justice the perpetuators and those who facilitated the crime in Camp Liberty.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 12, 2013

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