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Meeting at the French National Assembly

Maryam Rajavi: Iranian people want regime change in Iran
During Rouhani’s tenure, the Iranian people have gained only added executions, squandering of unfrozen assets after lifting of sanctions, and further meddling in the region

On Tuesday, April 5, 2016, a meeting was held at the French National Assembly featuring Mr. Bruno Le Roux, head of the Socialist group in the National Assembly as well as other French legislators. The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi declared: Various social strata in Iran demand regime change and the removal of the clerical regime. They showed this desire in 6500 protests over the past year.


Mrs. Rajavi added: Rouhani’s cancellation of his visit to Austria was a consequence of the protests by supporters of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran to this trip. It indicates the regime’s fear of the Resistance’s popular support and the regime’s extreme weakness and vulnerability.

Mrs. Rajavi expressed her deep aversion over the terrorism and barbarity committed in Brussels that made life bitter for the people of the world. She reiterated that such crimes only strengthen our resolve to combat fundamentalism and terrorism under the banner of Islam; ominous phenomena that originated several decades ago in the mullahs-ruled Tehran and today, cast their shadow on large parts of the world.


Mrs. Rajavi noted: Rouhani bragged about bringing about moderation, instead he brought about more executions in Iran and more war in Syria. The assets released after lifting of sanctions went to the coffers of the Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and was spent on the wars in Yemen, Syria and Iraq, leaving the people of Iran ever more destitute.

Today, the Iranian regime has at least 60,000 military and paramilitary forces in Syria, but a victory in Syria is no longer conceivable for the mullahs. The Iranian regime needs to keep Assad in power for its own survival because presently, they are in their weakest position.

She added: The regime’s test firing of the ballistic missiles, in violation of the UN Security Council resolutions, indicates the regime’s pursuit of the same policies on the one hand and the mullahs’ intention to conceal their weakness on the other.



In this program a number of French legislators offered speeches, including Dominique Lefebvre, member of the National Assembly from the socialist party and president of the Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID); Michel Terrot, member of the National Assembly from the Republican party and deputy president of CPID; Bruno Le Roux, president of the Socialist group in the National Assembly; Senator Alain Néri, head of the French Committee for a Democratic Iran in the French Senate; Christian Kert, vice-president of the republican group at the National Assembly; Frederic Reiss, republican member; and Jean Lassalle, independent.

The Persian New Year, Nowruz, was celebrated in this gathering and speakers extended their greetings to the Iranian people and Resistance on this national festivity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 5, 2016