Maryam Rajavi: Kouchner’s remarks on Iraq are both responsible and realistic

She emphasized the need for mullahs’ eviction from Iraq
NCRI – Yesterday, the French Foreign Minister Barnard Kouchner said that Iran acts in Iraq as it pleases and it has turned that country into its play ground. He further added that Iran helps both the Shiite and Sunni militias at the same time. Such events in Karbala which left hundreds of people dead or wounded are the results of such interventions.

President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi described Mr. Kouchner’s remarks both responsible and realistic; however, only a portion of the mullahs’ regime’s meddling in Iraq were mentions. Also, it is an indication that there is an urgent need for adoption of a firm policy to evict the regime from that country.
She added that the Iranian Resistance since 2003 has repeatedly declared the danger of the religious dictatorship’s meddling in Iraq is far more important than its nuclear projects. The mullahs in Tehran see Iraq as a springboard for establishment of an Islamic Empire. Democracy in Iraq, as peace in the Middle East, serves as hanging nose for the Iranian regime. Hence, it will never refrain from interfering in the country’s internal affairs.
In early 2007, Iranian Resistance published the list of 32,000 agents on the Iranian regime’s payroll in Iraq. The list contained names of 53 current Iraqi government official, some 497 representatives of the mullahs’ supreme leader Ali Khomeini, and 468 high ranking officers with the Iraqi Interior Ministry. Many of the government ministries such as Interior Ministry, governorates, police and security forces are controlled by the Iranian regime.
In addition, the ruling clerics through 53 supposedly humanitarian entities are pursuing their criminal intents in Iraq.  Another instrument to devour the nation is thousands of mullahs poured into Iraqi cities since 2003.  
The deadly Quds Force has prepared the list of 8,331 Iraqi political, national and religious leaders opposing to the Iranian regime meddling in their country to be assassinated by its local recruits in Iraq.
Recently, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) shipped lethal chemical gases for its criminal intents in Iraq. According to information received from inside the regime, the Quds Force sent a certain amount of Mustard Gas to an area near Ashraf City (home to the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran  in Iraq) to poison the members of its opposition in Iraq.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 5, 2007

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