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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceMaryam Rajavi Calls for Solidarity with Syrian People and their Revolution

Maryam Rajavi Calls for Solidarity with Syrian People and their Revolution

In a ceremony marking the beginning of Ramadan, in solidarity with the Syrian People’s movement and also solidarity with Ashraf and Liberty residents, President-elect Rajavi urged the international community to prevent the mullah’s’ regime from creating another human catastrophe against Ashraf and Liberty residents under the name of United Nations

On Sunday July 22, marking the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, a special ceremony was held at the headquarter office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Auvers-sur-Oise near Paris, to remember those fallen from among people of Syria and Iran and also in remembering the July 28-29 massacre in Camp Ashraf. The event took place at the presence of President-elect Maryam Rajavi and a number of Syrian personalities.
Participants paid their respect to the martyrs of Iranian and Syrian uprisings by taking part in a flower ceremony held at the nearby Oise River.
“Iranian Mullahs have not only enchained the Iranian people,” said Mrs. Rajvi, the keynote speaker at the ceremony after congratulating everyone for Ramadan, “But with all power, they are meddling in Arab and Muslim countries and on these days specially are trying to keep the bloodthirsty dictator of Syria in power.”
“Velayati, Khamenei’s Advisor in International Affairs, said last week that if Bashar al-Assad is removed from power, we will lose a key stronghold in the region,” Mrs. Rajavi continued adding, “they are afraid that by Assad’s downfall, the geopolitics of the region, from Lebanon and Palestine to Iraq, would change in favor of democratic forces and their plans to export fundamentalism and terrorism would fail.” But the people in the region from Iran to all Arab and Muslim countries are determined to end dictatorships and especially reject being controlled by the Iranian mullah’s regime. It is surprising that to prevent the Syrian people and the people in the region from achieving freedom, Russia and China are taking the Security Council hostage while the west plays the role of an observer.”
“The mullahs have dispatched the Quds force and their terrorists along with large sums of money to Syria. They use their puppet regime in Iraq to provide a bridge, through the sky or from the ground, to aid Assad’s regime.
“The Mullahs talk about Islam, but participate in the killing of defenseless Muslim people, using full force. In truth, they are the worst enemy of all Muslims and Islam.
“But the brave people of Syria, are resisting with all they have and have sacrificed men, women and even children to achieve freedom,” said President-elect Rajavi.
Saluting the Syrian people, on the beginning of Ramada, Mrs. Rajavi urged on all Muslims and people around the world to come to the aide of the Syrian people. Mrs. Rajavi continued that, “The Iranian regime is disturbed by the current developments in the region and intends to deprive the residents of Liberty from basic life necessities such as water, electricity, food, and medication. It is depriving them of defense against heat, right to free movement and right to own property. This way, the government of Iraq is imposing the conditions of a prison with hard labor on the residents.
Mrs. Rajavi criticized the United States and the Special Representative of the Secretary General for pressuring the residents to forgo their rights instead of pressuring Iraq to accept the humanitarian needs of the residents. She expressed concern about recent remarks by the Special Representative at the Security Council’s meeting, crediting the government of Iraq when it is not backing away from building a prison at Liberty and depriving residents from basic needs such as drinking water.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 23, 2012