Khamenei’s remarks against Lebanon’s international tribunal, a clear evidence of Iranian regime’s involvement in Hariri’s murder



NCRI – On Monday, December 20, during a meeting with Qatar’s leader, Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the religious fascism ruling Iran, said, “Any verdict issued by the court investigating Rafik Hariri’s case would be rejected.” He threatened, “We hope that all influential sides involved in Lebanon would act logically and prudently in order to prevent the matter from turning into a problem.”


Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described these remarks an indication of Khamenei’s fear of disclosure of the regime’s role and that of Khamenei himself in this crime and its regional and international consequences. She said: The desperate regime’s Supreme Leader has mistaken that tribunal for the mullahs’ sham courts and has mistaken its judges for criminals such as Saeed Mortazavi (former prosecutor-general of Tehran) and Abolqasem Salavati (a Revolutionary Court judge).
Mrs. Rajavi added: These remarks leave no doubt in the regime’s involvement and direct responsibility in Hariri’s murder. For two decades, Khamenei has issued orders for assassinations abroad including murder of the dissidents; a fact underscored by the courts and judicial authorities of European countries in their verdicts.
Mrs. Rajavi stressed that open threats of Khamenei show that he and his regime have no respect for ‘court’, ‘justice’, the United Nations and the Security Council. She asked the UN General Assembly and the Security Council to strongly condemn these remarks, expel the Iranian regime from the UN and its organizations, and investigate the terrorist crimes of this regime which by no means represents the Iranian people. This regime is responsible for hundreds of terrorist acts including attempts against members of the Iranian Resistance outside the country.

Since quite a while ago, the officials of mullahs’ regime and its Lebanese agents, through intimidation, have been exhausting all their power and resources, to prevent issuance of an indictment by the court in order to hide their role in the murder of Rafik Hariri and dozens of Lebanese officials. And today when such attempts have gone futile, Khamenei himself has got engaged in the case in a bid to defuse the court or to make it ineffective via his threats and decrees. This is reminds us of the anti-Islamic and inhumane verdict against Salman Rushdi. Hezbollah, which officially introduces itself a follower of the clerical rule  and under the command of Khamenei, had previously threatened that it would not yield to the court’s ruling and if a warrant is issued, it would take action against the Lebanese government.

The abovementioned tribunal, whose headquarters is in the Hague and its expenses are covered by various countries particularly the European Union, was formed in 2005,upon the request of the Lebanese government and following the UN Security Council Resolution to investigate the murder of Rafik Hariri. The judge of the tribunal, Professor Antonio Cassese is a pre-eminent international jurist who annually presents the court’s function report to the UN Secretary General. The court is supposed to issue indictment for the perpetrators of this crime soon.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 21, 2010

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