Khamenei’s Purge of the Rival Faction Amid Fear of Nationwide Boycott of Election Masquerade

The Iranian regime's supreme leader Ali Khamenei (right) has purged the candidates of the rival faction close to the regime's president Hassan Rouhani (left) as the date of the sham parliamentary elections draws closer
The Iranian regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei (right) has purged the candidates of the rival faction close to the regime’s president Hassan Rouhani (left) as the date of the sham parliamentary elections draws closer

Iran: Sham Election – No. 3

The Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, poised to establish a unipolar regime, through an unprecedented purge of the rival faction’s parliament candidates, is, at the same time, terrified of the nationwide boycott of the election masquerade.

Yesterday, he assigned Friday prayer leaders to attack his rivals and encourage the people to cast their votes. This is while many regime observers and officials have expressed grave concern over the extremely low turnout.

Ahmad Alam ol-Hoda, Khamenei’s representative in Khorassan, speaking at Mashhad’s Friday prayer congregation, voiced alarm at the regime’s future. “You must stand by the gate of the Majlis (Parliament) and prevent some (deputies) from walking in. Those who diverge from the leader, even slightly, those who do not fully accept the leader, his absolute rule, and deviate from the leader.”

Kazem Sediqi, the Friday prayer of Tehran, said that in his will, Khomeini had appealed “to the people to go to the ballot box. Khamenei has requested that you vote. We want a parliament on par with (Qassem) Soleimani. Deputies who could be trusted. Not sign such [terrible] agreements with foreigners. You should not vote for ministers with criminal records.”

On February 11, the state television broadcast Khomeini’s remarks about the Guardian Council in which he had said, “Whoever says the Guardian Council’s decision is wrong, he would be corrupt. Such a person is corrupt and must be prosecuted as someone who has corrupted the earth.”

The Friday prayer leader of Sari, northern Iran said Khamenei has insisted, “We want full participation, not just a majority, so that the security of the system and the country would improve.” The Friday prayer leader of Orumiyeh, northwest Iran, said, “Election is the religious and nationalist duty and can ensure the nation’s prowess.” And the Friday prayer leader of Bandar Abbas, southern Iran, added, “Widespread propaganda is being disseminated by the arrogant powers to influence the election in a bid to dissuade our people from participating.”

Other Friday prayer leaders described the election as “a divine test,” “prayers,” and “more compulsory than prayer and fasting.” They said non-participation would constitute “siding with the enemy and treachery,” and that “if participation were to pass 55 percent, it would have a major impact in increasing national security.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), underscored that the Iranian people had cast their real vote with their chants of death to Khamenei during the November 2019 and January 2020 uprisings. She added that boycotting the election was a patriotic duty and a bond with the galaxy of martyrs, especially the 1,500 martyrs of the November 2019 uprising. By chanting “death to the principle of the velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical rule,” “death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader,” the Iranian people made it clear that they seek a future without the Shah or the mullahs, and based on democracy and a republic by the people.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

February 15, 2020    


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