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Italian lawmakers and political figures and American political dignitaries call for a humanitarian initiative on camp Ashraf

Rome Conference

Maryam Rajavi: The realistic and accessible solution for the transitional period is to set up a UN monitoring team in Ashraf protected by the US and EU in compliance with their international obligations

NCRI – Italian lawmakers and political figures and American political dignitaries as well as human rights activists expressed their support for the European Parliament plan for Camp Ashraf crisis in a major conference in Rome on Wednesday following the deterioration of situation in Ashraf and efforts by international community to find an urgent solution to this humanitarian crisis. They strongly condemned any displacement of Ashraf residents within Iraq and called on the United Nations, the United States and the European Union to guarantee the protection of Ashraf.

As a realistic and accessible solution for the transitional period, the conference called for establishment of a UN monitoring team in Ashraf under the US and EU protection in compliance with their international obligations.

Senator Lucio Malan presented Mrs. Maryam Rajavi at this conference the statement of support by majority members of both Italian legislative chambers. Simultaneously, the support of more than 1,500 Italian mayors for Ashraf residents and their rights was announced at this conference.

The speakers in the conference included Mrs. Rajavi president-elect of the Iranian Resistance; Emma Bonino, vice president of the Italian Senate; Irene Khan, former Secretary General of Amnesty International; Senator Robert Torricelli, former Member of US Senate; Patrick Kennedy. U.S. Congressman (1995-2011); and honorable Italian lawmakers Lucio Malan, Elisabetta Zamparutti, Alessandro Pagano, Marco Perduca, Suoad Sbai, Massimo Vannucci ,Antonio Razzi, and Mr. Giuseppe Morganti of San Marino Parliament. Mr. Carlo Ciccioli, MP and President of  the Italian Committee of Parliamentarians and Citizens for a Free Iran Chaired the Conference.

In her speech Mrs. Rajavi pointed out that the clerical regime engulfed with numerous deadly challenges including the renewed eruption of uprising in Iran, the threat by organized resistance for Iranian people’s freedom, fatal infighting for power at the leadership level of the regime, and the spring of revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa, is now facing a dire situation. Under these pressures, the regime is trying to prevent its downfall by destroying Ashraf and inflicting blows to the Resistance. In these circumstances, defending Ashraf residents serves the establishment of democracy in Iran. What makes one wonder, she said, is that why Western governments, despite their support for movements in the Middle East and North Africa, are still so passive in face of the main threat in the region and the whole world, which is the religious dictatorship ruling Iran?

The massacre in Ashraf on April 8 is one of the serious consequences of the policy of the West particularly the U.S. towards Iran. The deadline set with the backing of the mullahs to close down camp Ashraf is aimed to pave the way for another massacre. Not publishing the reports of the U.S. medical, military and political mission to Ashraf following the massacre, refusing to allow the EP and the US Congressional delegations to investigate crimes committed in Ashraf and the unlawful and unworkable plan to displace the residents inside Iraq only provide fuel to the killing machine of the mullahs and government of Iraq, said Mrs. Rajavi.

The Resistance’s President-elect concluded by pointing out the endless suffering of the wounded of the April 8 massacre who have been denied medical treatment and said, this is a deliberate attempt by the Iraqi government to kill the wounded. Since three months ago we have repeatedly asked the UN the US to treat the wounded. So far less than 27% of the patients (93 people) have been transferred to Iraqi hospitals but even they were returned without being treated. United States only transferred seven patients to its hospital. I have no doubt that if free access to medical treatment was provided many lives would have been saved. As a result of lack of care three months after the attack many of the wounded have had limbs amputated and there are more patients who may have amputations as a result of the medical siege. We call on the European Union and the United States to launch a humanitarian initiative on Camp Ashraf.

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance
July 6, 2011