Iranian Resistance condemns efforts to lift EU travel ban on Salehi



NCRI – Commenting on EU travel ban on Ali Akbar Salehi, Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister, European Union’s Foreign Policy Chief Ms. Catherin Ashton said : “Normally foreign ministers are taken off the banned lists because generally you want to have an interlocutor, foreign minister who is able to travel and visit.”


The Iranian Resistance condemns the lifting of  EU travel ban on the Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister and considers the move as a blow to the policy of non-proliferation of nuclear weapon and as an incentive for the clerical regime efforts to obtain weapons of mass destruction.

The policy of appeasement towards the clerical regime ruling in Iran has helped it not only to spread terrorism and fundamentalism but also to get closer to obtaining nuclear  weapons.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 9, 2011

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