Iranian regime’s remarks reveals fear of PMOI (MEK), plots for more massacre

Camp Asharf clinic: Nurses and wounded massacred by Iraqi forces
The Iranian Resistance Calls for deployment of Blue Helmets in Camp Liberty and securing minimum protections

NCRI – In a series of recent remarks, leaders of the Iranian regime have described the Iranian opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) as a threat to the regime’s security and stressed that its centers must be destroyed, it members must be executed, and any country accepting them should be sharply criticized.

This is while they repeatedly expressed their gratitude to the government of Iraq for the September 1 massacre of 52 PMOI members in Camp Ashraf.

Mansour Haghighatpour, deputy chair of National Security and Foreign Policy Commission in the regime’s parliament who is also a commander of the terrorist Qods Force, explained objectives of the September 1st massacre in Ashraf: “Cleansing [massacring residents] of Camp Ashraf in Iraq strengthens national security in our country.” The statement clearly displays the Iranian regime’s profound fear of the PMOI.

He added: “We are hopeful that by delivering the final blow to this group we may witness its complete dissolution. The rest of PMOI members must accept deaths like those (massacred in Camp Ashraf) or deaths in the deserts of other countries. Members of this group should be pursued by revolutionaries and anywhere a nest or center of them is found, it must be ruined over their heads.” (Fars news agency affiliated with IRGC, September 13)

Hossein Naghavi, speaker of the commission said: “Americans are trying to find a place for the PMOI members in other countries, but providing any place in any country for the group is against international law and considered a kind of support for terrorism.” Naghavi stipulated: “Governments that provide places to terrorist organizations, in particular the Monafeqin terrorist group, ought to be sharply criticized.” (Ressalat state daily, September 13)

Ghadierie Abyaneh, a regime’s terrorist-diplomat, told the IRGC news agency on this same day that the September 1 massacre was even more important than Mersad Operation (the regime’s largest military operation against the PMOI) . He emphasized that the sentence of PMOI members is execution.

As such, no doubt remains of the ominous intent of mullahs’ regime and its proxy government in Iraq to continue with the massacre of PMOI members in Iraq.

Therefore, the Iranian Resistance calls on the U.S. government and the United Nations to adopt urgent measures to deploy Blue Helmet forces in Camp Liberty and to secure minimum security provisions in this camp, including return of 17,500 T-walls, transfer of helmets, protective vests, and medical equipment from Ashraf to Camp Liberty, the double-layering of container roofs, permission for construction and expanding area of the camp.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 14, 2013

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