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Iran: SSF crackdown on Polytechnic University students

NCRI – The Polytechnic (Amirkabir) University students protested against the mullahs’ judiciary for detaining their fellow classmates today: Majid Tavakoli, Ahmad Qasaban, and Ehsan Mansouri. The participants in the student rally carried pictures of the three imprisoned students and chanted slogans, "Free all political prisoners," "Detained students must be freed," "Death to dictator," "Students are willing to die, but will not stand humiliation." 

On Wednesday, the State Security Forces (SSF) attacked a gathering of publishers of student papers protesting illegal detention of three Polytechnic students. Some participants in the event were wounded when the SSF agents suddenly attacked the gathering.  

Crackdown on student demonstrations, in particular those of the Polytechnic University, by the mullahs’ regime have increased in recent months. The Iranian regime is trying desperately to contain the popular dissent by brutally suppressing the people specially students, workers, women and youths.  

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations as well as student unions to condemn the suppressive measures adopted by the regime against students and to take urgent action to free all those detained.         
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 20, 2007