Iran: Resistance Units, Supporters, Celebrate the Beginning of the 56th Anniversary of MEK Founding

Resistance_units7_13092020Resistance Units and supporters of the Mujahedin-Khalq (PMOI/MEK) marked the beginning of the 56th anniversary of the Organization’s founding in Tehran and many other cities. They posted banners of the Resistance leadership, distributed leaflets, and wrote slogans, paying tribute to the Organization and the leaders of the Resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and Mr. Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian Resistance.

These activities, which took place despite the clerical regime’s efforts to instill an atmosphere of terror and intimidation, were carried out in Tehran, as well as other cities including Isfahan, Karaj, Qazvin, Kerman, Malekan (East Azerbaijan), Rasht, Robat Karim, Eslamshahr, Sanandaj, Ahvaz, Mahshahr, Tabriz, Mashhad, Shiraz, Hormozgan Khorramabad, Yazd, Hamedan, Sarpol-e Zahab, Ardabil, Kermanshah, Sabalan mountain peak, Esfarayen, Kazerun, Kashan, Izeh, Shahrekord, Maragheh, Gorgan, Behshahr, Arak, Shush, Behbahan, and Zahedan.

The slogans displayed in public during last week’s campaigns included: “On behalf of the youth of Tehran: Congratulations on the anniversary of the foundation of the MEK,” “Greetings for 56 years of MEK’s resistance and perseverance,” “greetings to the great founders of the Mujahedin-e Khalq for 56 years of sacrifice. Congratulations,” “Maryam Rajavi: The MEK is determined to overthrow the anti-Iranian clerical regime,” “Believing that the only path to freedom is to rise, and to fight for it. We, the rebellious youth from Shiraz, are with you. We will overthrow Khamenei’s regime,” “The only way to freedom is to rise and protest,” “Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi,” “Join the Resistance Units,” “Hail to MEK, hail to freedom, down with Khamenei,” “Massoud Rajavi: From the onset, the MEK said that Islam is a religion of freedom, and Khomeini and Khamenei are the greatest enemies of Islam,” “Down with Khamenei, hail to MEK, hail to Rajavi,” “The MEK has dedicated itself to the liberation of its homeland.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
September 12, 2020

Tehran – Mojahedin Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK celebrate the Organization’s founding anniversary: “Hail to MEK, hail to freedom” – September 9, 2020
Activities of MEK supporters in different cities – Congratulations on the MEK’s founding anniversary – September 9, 2020
Zahedan – “Down with Khamenei – hail to MEK, congratulations for 56 years of resistance and perseverance by the MEK – September 9, 2020
Tehran- Posting large banner, honoring the founders of the MEK, and the beginning of the MEK’s founding anniversary 56th anniversary – September 5, 2020
Commemorating the MEK’s founding anniversary by posting a banner of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI’s President-elect in various cities- September 5, 2020
Commemoration of the MEK’s founding anniversary – Activities of the MEK supporters in various cities – September 5, 2020
Tehran- Commemoration of the MEK’s founding anniversary by Resistance Units- September 5, 2020
Various cities- Commemoration of the MEK’s founding anniversary by Resistance Units- September 5, 2020
Various cities- Commemoration of the MEKS’s founding anniversary by Resistance Units- September 5, 2020
Sabalan mountain peak (North West Iran): “Congratulations on the 56th founding anniversary of the MEK” – September 4, 2020
Tehran – Posting a banner in commemoration of the MEK’s founding anniversary– September 4, 2020
Rasht – A Resistance Unit: I will fight, and live like a MEK forever, Hail to MEK, hail to freedom”- September 4, 2020
Tehran – Posting, Mr. Massoud Rajavi’s banner by MEK supporters: From the onset, MEK had said that the religious dictatorship is the worst type of dictatorship and hence they stood up to Khomeini’s regime”- September 4, 2020
Tehran- Posting banners of the President-elect Maryam Rajavi: “The MEK is steadfast in its efforts to overthrow the clerical regime”- September 4, 2020
Activities of the supporters of the MEK in various cities on the MEK’s founding anniversary– September 4, 2020
Tehran – Large banner of Mr. Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian Resistance: Massoud Rajavi: From the onset, the MEK said that Islam is a religion of freedom and Khomeini and Khamenei are the greatest enemies of Islam,”-September 4, 2020
Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units, supporters of the MEK, on the MEK founding anniversary – September 3, 2020
Tabriz – Congratulations on the founding anniversary of the MEK – September 3, 2020
Shiraz – Activities of the Resistance Units on the founding anniversary of the MEK – September 3, 2020
Mashhad – Posting large banner, marking the founding anniversary of the MEK – September 3, 2020
Hormozgan and Khorramabad – Commemoration of the founding anniversary of the MEK – September 3, 2020
Various cities- Activities of the supporters of the MEK, marking the beginning of the MEK’s 56th founding anniversary – September 2, 2020
Tehran- Posting Mr. Massoud Rajavi’s poster: “The MEK has dedicated itself to the liberation of its homeland.” – September 2, 2020
Isfahan- Posting Mr. Massoud Rajavi’s poster: “MEK’s foundation turned a page in Iran’s history” – September 2, 2020
Tehran – Activities of the MEK supporters- Protesting Navid Afkari’s execution statement – “The political prisoner must be released” – September 2, 2020
Rasht – Activities of the Resistance Units-“Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi” – September 2, 2020
Mahshahr and Ahvaz – “Join the Resistance Units to overthrow the religious dictatorship” – September 2, 2020

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