Iran: Resistance Units Broadcast Chants of Death to Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi in Tehran – Honarmandan Park


On Wednesday, May 4, 2022, at 7:00 PM local time, the Resistance Units broadcast chants of “Regime change,” “Death to Khamenei, viva Rajavi,” “No to the Shah, no to the mullahs, damned be both of them,” ‘Death to Khamenei, Raisi, damned be Khomeini,” and “Khamenei, your time is over,” in the Honarmandan Park, on Iranshahr Street in Tehran. They also broadcast excerpts from the speeches of the Iranian Resistance leadership. The move shocked the repressive forces, who frantically began to search for the location of the chants, but to no avail.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran  (NCRI)

May 5, 2022

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