Iran: Resistance Units Broadcast Anti-regime Slogans in Karaj and Arak


Resistance Units in Karaj continued their anti-repression activities on Sunday Friday, September 16 at 19:30 local time by broadcasting anti-regime chants over a public announcement system at Boustan-e Narges in Baghestan Blvd. They broadcast slogans such as “Death to Khamenei! Hail to Rajavi!”, “The curse of the people and history on bloodthirsty mullahs and the Shah”, “We are fighting men and women. Fight and we fight back!”, “This is the final message: the regime’s time is over”, and “Death to the principle of Velayat-e-Faqih”.

On the same day at 19:40 p.m., Resistance Units in Arak broadcast chants of “Overthrow”, “Death to Khamenei! Hail to Rajavi!”, “Iranians are vigilant and hate the Shah and mullahs”, “We fight, and we shall take Iran back”, “MEK is on the scene at every corner”, “NLA is the hope of Iranian people”, “NLA is the key to overthrow”, and “Raisi, you are the 1988 executioner”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

September 18, 2022

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