Iran: Resistance Units Broadcast Anti-regime Chants Over Public Announcement System in Major Areas of Isfahan and Rasht


Resistance Units in Isfahan broadcast anti-regime chants of, “Deprived farmers, MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq) stands with you,” “Death to Khamenei, hail to Rajavi,” and “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the leader (Khamenei)” at 11:20 pm local time, on Monday, May 2, in the Khajoo Bridge region and called for the downfall of the regime in Iran.

Resistance Units in Rasht also broadcast chants of, “Raisi is the henchman of the 1988 massacre,” “Workers, laborers, MEK stands with you, supports your struggle,” at 8:30 pm local time, on Sunday, May 1, International Workers’ Day, in Sabzeh-Meydan Square (adjacent to Grand Bazaar). Passersby welcomed the action.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran  (NCRI)

May 3, 2022

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