Iran: Resistance Units and Supporters of the MEK Protest Against the Execution of Navid Afkari With the Slogan “Protest and Uprising Is the Response to Executions”


The criminal execution of Navid Afkari, the national wrestling champion, sparked public outrage and disgust. In recent days, by writing slogans and installing banners and placards in various places, the Resistance Units and supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/ PMOI) have emphasized on the continuation Navid and other Protesters and defiant youth’s path. In addition to Tehran, these activities took place in the cities of Shiraz, Isfahan, Karaj, Rasht, Mashhad, Mahshahr, Shahrekord, Aliabad-e-Katul, Kermanshah, Bonab, Fasa, Qazvin, Ghayen, Zahedan, Abadan, Bumehen, Gorgan, Varamin, Qom, Ahvaz, Kuhdasht, Kashan, Kerman, Tabriz, Khorramabad, Jahrom, Sari, Bushehr, Hamedan, Lahijan, and Sabzevar have been reported.

Some of the slogans were: “The only way for preventing the execution of the likes of Navid is to revolt and protest,” “Millions will rise up as a result of Navid’s martyrdom,” “Massoud Rajavi: The IRGC, this anti-people force must be disbanded,” “Democracy, Freedom with Maryam Rajavi,” “Massoud Rajavi: Poverty and hunger are the results of the clerical rule,” “Maryam Rajavi: Navid’s martyrdom will fan the flames of the Iranian people’s uprising for freedom and will forever overthrow the clerical regime,” “Executing us, will not stop us from overthrowing your regime,” “Dear Navid, your path will continue – supporters of the MEK,” “The response to execution is overthrowing the regime,” “We will avenge Navid’s death, Down with Khamenei,” “Navid, your path to freedom and democracy will continue.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
September 18, 2020

Shiraz – “Millions will rise up as a result of Navid’s martyrdom”- September 16, 2020
Rasht – “Maryam Rajavi to the youth compatriots: Join the Resistance Units”- September 16, 2020
Isfahan- “We must rise up in revenge to Navid and the like of Navid’s executions”- September 16, 2020
Mazandaran Province, Gorgan, Sabzevar – “Democracy, freedom, with Maryam Rajavi” – September 16, 2020
Khorramabad – “Massoud Rajavi: Poverty and hunger are the results of the clerical rule” – September 16, 2020
Tehran and Ahvaz – “To the youth: Time to rise up, we will not be forgiven if we won’t”- September 16, 2020
Activities of the Resistance Units – “Dear Navid, your path will continue” – September 16, 2020
Different cities – Activities of the Resistance Units in response to the criminal execution of Navid Afkari- September 15, 2020
Tehran, Shiraz, and Mahshahr – Protesting Navid Afkari’s execution – “Maryam Rajavi: The people of Iran and its brave youth will not remain silent against the cowardly execution of this courageous son of Shiraz. They will rise in solidarity with the heroic people of Fars” – September 15, 2020
Various cities- Rasht-“Maryam Rajavi: Navid’s martyrdom will fan the flames of the Iranian people’s uprising for freedom and will forever overthrow the clerical regime”– September 15, 2020
Tehran and Shiraz – “Navid will always be alive in the memories of thousands of Resistance Units, who will carry on their struggle for freedom”- September 14, 2020
Various cities – Activities of the Resistance Units: “Uprising, the Response to Execution”- September 14, 2020
Tehran “Navid, your path will continue, until this regime is overthrown”- September 14, 2020
Various cities in Iran – Activities of the supporters of the MEK in protest to the criminal execution of Navid Afkari – September 14, 2020
Tehran – Activities of the supporters of the MEK: – “We must rise up in revenge to Navid and the like of Navid’s executions”- September 14, 2020
Tehran – Activities of the supporters of the MEK in protest to the criminal execution of Navid Afkari – September 14, 2020

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