Iran: Resistance Units and MEK Supporters Mark Anniversary of Freedom of the Iranian Resistance Leader From Shah’s Prison

Isfahan – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK Supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – Posting large banner in motorway – January 20, 2022

“Massoud Rajavi: The MEK Has Only One Dream, the Overthrow of the Religious Dictatorship in Iran”

In recent days, on the anniversary of the freedom of Mr. Masoud Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian Resistance, from the Shah’s prison, in 1979, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) supporters and the Resistance Units marked the anniversary in Tehran and many Iranian cities including Karaj, Tabriz, Rasht, Ahvaz, Isfahan, Shiraz, Qom, Mashhad, Urmia, Zanjan, Qazvin, Shadegan, Neyshabur, Kazerun, and Kashan by posting banners covering his messages and calls to the Iranian youth and compatriots.

The banners read: ‌ “Massoud Rajavi: The MEK has only one dream, the overthrow of the religious dictatorship in Iran,” “Marking the anniversary of the freedom of Massoud Rajavi and the last group of political prisoners from the Shah’s prison,” “Honoring January 20, the day of freedom of Massoud Rajavi, the Iranian people’s hope and inspiration, ,” “Let the people of the world know that Massoud is our leader,” “Massoud Rajavi: It is impossible to keep a nation captive forever,” “Massoud Rajavi: The secret to freeing Iran is to say down with the principle of velayat-e faqih, long live freedom. Our mission is to overthrow the religious dictatorship,” “Massoud Rajavi to the political prisoners: Resist, the day of freedom of political prisoners will come,” “Massoud Rajavi: The fate of Iran will be determined with the uprising of its valiant sons and daughters and their sacrifices.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

January 24, 2022

Isfahan – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK Supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – Posting large banner in motorway – January 20, 2022
Isfahan – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – “Massoud Rajavi: What could be done when the dictatorship uses brute force, attacks and opens fire on protesters?” – January 20, 2022
Isfahan – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – “In Iran’s history, MEK is defined by its devotion to freedom, with maximum sacrifice”– January 20, 2022
Mashhad – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – “Massoud Rajavi: The secret to freeing Iran is to say down with the principle of velayat-e faqih, long live freedom. Our mission is to overthrow the religious dictatorship” – January 20, 2022
Mashhad – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – “Honoring January 20, the day of freedom of the Iranian people’s hope and inspiration, Massoud Rajavi” – January 20, 2022
Mashhad – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – “Honoring January 20, the day of freedom of the Iranian people’s hope and inspiration, Massoud Rajavi”– January 20, 2022
Tabriz – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – “Massoud Rajavi to the heroic political prisoners: Resist, the day of freedom of political prisoners will come” – January 20, 2022
Shiraz and Rasht – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – ”Massoud Rajavi: It is not possible to keep a nation captive forever” – January 20, 2022
Karaj – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – “Massoud Rajavi: The MEK has only one dream, and that is the overthrow of the religious dictatorship in Iran” – January 20, 2022
Rasht and Qazvin – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 –January 20, 2022
Zanjan – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK Supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – “Honoring January 20, the day of freedom of Massoud Rajavi, the Iranian people’s hope and inspiration,” – January 20, 2022
Neyshabur – Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK supporters on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – “Massoud Rajavi: The MEK has only one dream, the overthrow of the religious dictatorship in Iran” – January 20, 2022
Tehran, Ardabil, Kazerun, and Kashan – Activities of the Resistance Units and Supporters of MEK on the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi’s freedom from the Shah’s prison in 1979 – January 20, 2022

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