Iran – Resistance Units And MEK Supporters Call For A Boycott Of The Election Farce

Hashtpar-e Tavalesh (Gilan Province) – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Massoud Rajavi: Boycott of the sham presidential election is a patriotic duty” – May 27, 2021

“We will not vote to choose a murderer”

                “the game is over, our vote is regime change”.

On May 27, 2021, supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) and Resistance Units called for the boycott of the clerical regime’s sham presidential election in various cities of Iran, including many parts of Greater Tehran and other cities of Iran. They posted banners and placards, wrote graffiti, and distributed leaflets. In addition to different areas of Tehran, these activities were carried out in Karaj, Isfahan, Hashtpar-e Tavalesh (Gilan Province), Semnan, Yasuj, Shiraz, Abadan, and Ahvaz.

The slogans included: “Maryam Rajavi: A popular uprising is awaiting the mullahs, and will lead to their overthrow,” “Maryam Rajavi: The Iranian people’s boycott of the election masquerade will turn the farce against Khamenei,” “Maryam Rajavi: No to the rule of the mullahs, no to religious tyranny, no to oppression and plunder, yes to a democratically-elected republic,” “Massoud Rajavi: Iran’s destiny will be determined not by the mullahs’ ballot box, but by the uprising of Iran’s valiant children,” “Massoud Rajavi: In this regime there is no (free) election, the only way out is the regime’s overthrow by the National Liberation Army,” “Massoud Rajavi: Boycott of the sham election is a patriotic duty,” “Massoud Rajavi: Our vote is regime change and boycott of the sham election,” “No to the sham election, down with Khamenei, hail to freedom,” “Down with Khamenei, our vote regime change,” “My vote is regime change, yes to a democratically-elected republic,” “We will not vote to choose a killer, the game is over, our vote is regime change,” “Democracy, freedom, with Maryam Rajavi.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

May 29, 2021

Yasuj – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “My vote is regime change, yes to a democratically-elected republic” – May 27, 2021
Semnan – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “No to the sham election, down with Khamenei, hail to freedom”” – May 27, 2021
Karaj – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Boycott of the election masquerade is a patriotic duty, our vore is regime change” – May 27, 2021
Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Democracy, freedom, with Maryam Rajavi” – May 27, 2021
Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election – “Maryam Rajavi: The Iranian people’s boycott of the election masquerade will turn the farce against Khamenei” – May 27, 2021

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