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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceIran: Regime acknowledges its ominous intention to annihilate PMOI (MEK)

Iran: Regime acknowledges its ominous intention to annihilate PMOI (MEK)

Iranian regime officials:
No country is allowed to accept PMOI/MEK members in a concentrated group; So that they can keep the unity of their organization

The Earth will soon be cleansed from their existence.
NCRI – Remarks by the top officials of the anti-humane mullahs’ regime followed by the massacre and mass execution of the the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) members in Camp Ashraf, reveal their sinister intentions and criminal plans.

As previously announced by the Iranian Resistance on a number of occasions, Iranian regime views  PMOI/MEK as a main threat to its existence and thus the only acceptable option on the issue of Camps Ashraf and Liberty for the mullahs would be either to make the residents surrender and return to Iran under the rule of mullahs or to exterminate them.

Ismail Kosari, member of the Committee of National Security and Foreign Policy of the mullahs’ parliament, said to the Mehr news agency, affiliated with Iranian Intelligence Ministry: “No third country is allowed to accept them and make it possible for them to preserve their organization with strength.”

He said: “We pursue the situation of the Monafeqin (Mullah regime’s term for the PMOI/MEK) who have been relocated to Camp Liberty … The US, Israel, France and some other countries have supported this group on many occasions … But we will pursue the matter in the parliament to ensure that they will all be extradited to Iran.”

He revealed the true intention of relocating the residents to Camp Liberty describing it as such: “Liberty was chosen temporarily so that the Iraqis could hold control on them. Camp Ashraf was in Iraq but Iraqis held not much control over it.”

Deputy Chair of the Committee of National Security and Foreign Policy of the mullahs’ parliament by the name of Mansour Haghighat-pour said on September 12: “Not only Ashraf Garrison, but I hope the whole Earth will be cleansed from their existence since they are filthy elements …….. God willing, we will soon witness complete extermination of this wicked group from whole surface of the Earth.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 15, 2013