IRAN : PMOI has nothing to do with assassination of nuclear scientist, denies mullahs’ allegation



NCRI – The Iranian Resistance condemns the clerical regime’s ploy to attribute the assassination of Mr. Massoud Ali Mohammadi, an Iranian regime nuclear scientist, to the People’s Mojahedin organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Agence France Presse today referred to a report by “Iran's state-run Arabic-language TV Al-Alam” quoting officials saying, “This assassination may have been carried out by the Hypocrites (Iran's exiled People's Mujahedeen opposition) or planned by the Zionist regime.” Attributing the assassination to the PMOI is absolutely unfounded and the PMOI has nothing to do with this murder.

The religious fascism ruling Iran is pursuing political aims by attributing such false allegations to the PMOI such as laying the ground works for execution of political prisoners who are affiliated to the PMOI.

This is not the first time that the clerical regime attributes its terrorist crimes to the PMOI. It has attributed the murder of Christian priests in 1994, murder of pilgrims in Mecca in 1987, killing of Neda Agha Sultan during people’s uprising on June 20, 2009, and murder of 11 Ashraf residents during attacks on July 28 and 29, 2009, to the PMOI among many others.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 12, 2010

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