Iran: Mullahs resort to threats following deproscription of PMOI (MEK)

Mullahs resort to hollow show of force and threats following deproscription of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)
NCRI – The Brig. Gen. Ali Larijani, speaker of the clerical regime's Majlis (parliament) resorted today to blackmail and threats to counter the international community's demand to halt its uranium enrichment activities. Addressing the Western countries he said, "Do not seek to provoke Iran because you may get to a point of no return and lose your chance for negotiation. Your wrong strategies in Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan have caused nothing but hatred. With your double standards and deceptions, you are rapidly approaching a strategic deadlock in the region and the final whistle to a lost game is about to be blown."

Mullahs resort to hollow show of force and threats following deproscription of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)
NCRI – The Brig. Gen. Ali Larijani, speaker of the clerical regime's Majlis (parliament) resorted today to blackmail and threats to counter the international community's demand to halt its uranium enrichment activities. Addressing the Western countries he said, "Do not seek to provoke Iran because you may get to a point of no return and lose your chance for negotiation. Your wrong strategies in Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan have caused nothing but hatred. With your double standards and deceptions, you are rapidly approaching a strategic deadlock in the region and the final whistle to a lost game is about to be blown."

Using hollow threats he tried to force the international community to retreat and offer more concessions. "Very little time left for negotiations. In view of the situation where there is no trust due to your recent behavior, there is an urgent need for logical and constructive signs…"

In Reacting to the deproscription of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) [MEK] he said, "Today, they are guests to some European countries. While expressing concern over the human rights situation in Iran, these countries have joined hands with the PMOI which is a terrorist entity."

In the meantime, Movahedian, the Iranian regime's ambassador to London, grumbled to the British government and said, "The freedom of activities of the PMOI in Britain which were recognized by the House of Commons last night, marks a black spot in the history of relations between the two countries and will be remembered by the people of Iran." in turn, he also resorted to threats by saying that the regime "will respond to these illegal measures from the position of strength in an appropriate manner." He added, "The British government would face the consequences of this political move." In yet another amateurish attempt he asked the UK "not to implement the ruling [deproscription of the PMOI]. (State-run news agency IRNA, June 25)

Hosseini, the regime's foreign ministry spokesman, also "expressed deep regret toward hostile and double standard approach by the British government and said, "The international community acknowledges the fact that this grouplet is a terrorist one and there is a consensus about it. The group is a terrorist entity which has never rejected the use of arms and violence." In a ridiculous manner he "expressed hope that the European institutions would not be affected by the political and un-judicial decision of the POAC (the British specialized court) and stand firm with their obligations to fight against terrorism." (State-run news agency Fars, June 25)

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 26, 2008

Photo: Supporters of the People's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI/MEK) celebrate outside Parliament in London June 23 after both Houses of Parliament voted in favor of removing a ban on the resistance group ending a seven-year legal battle to have the organization lifted from the UK blacklist.

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