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Iran: Mullahs’ preposterous and threadbare claims to justify suppression and killings

Mullahs’ preposterous and threadbare claims to justify suppression and killings in Iran, step up pressure on Ashraf residentsMullahs’ preposterous and threadbare claims to justify suppression and killings in Iran, step up pressure on Ashraf residents

NCRI – As the suppressive forces of the mullahs’ regime continue to murder people on the streets of Tehran, Saturday evening, the state-run news agency carried a false claim by the notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) that several members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) “who had received training in Camp Ashraf in Iraq and had entered the country in order to carry out terrorist acts” had been arrested. This totally bogus claim was meant to justify the suppression and killings in Iran and put added pressure on the PMOI members residing in Camp Ashraf in Iraq. The state television, as always, paraded unidentified individuals confessing to such actions.

The Fars news agency, affiliated to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), on Sunday falsely claimed: “During the disturbances last night in Tehran, a number of agents of the Monafeqin terrorist grouplet carrying an assortment of weapons were arrested. This group randomly fired on gatherings in various streets and on the State Security Forces. … A mother and daughter who were relatives of an executed member of the Monafeqin were present. This terrorist group had in their possession MP5 firearms, handgun, grenades and Molotov cocktails”

The regime ridiculously speaks of a mother and daughter of a martyr of the PMOI when it is common knowledge that the regime has executed 120,000 political prisoners, some 90 percent of whom were members or supporters of the PMOI, and millions of Iranians are among their relatives or friends.

Following the remarks by the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Friday, which linked the nationwide uprising by millions of Iranians to a plot by Western governments and the “global arrogance”, or US, the regime’s state-run press have continued to make such claims, and the US president has since called them as a stale tactic and ineffectual.

The PMOI’s social department said that the regime was making preposterous and threadbare claims to justify the suppression and killings inside Iran and step up pressure on the residents of Ashraf. This, it said, was due to the regime’s fear of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising and the fact that many young people are being drawn to the PMOI.

Previously, the regime has used the same disgusting tactic of ‘televised confessions’ to accuse the PMOI of involvement in setting fire to the holy Ka'ba in Mecca, killing three Christian priests, and setting off a bomb in the shrine of Imam Reza in Mashhad. It also claimed that Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction were being hidden in the PMOI’s bases. However, the false nature of these claims were later proven.

During the televised debates between the candidates of the sham presidential election on  June 3rd, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad revealed that the Mecca affair had occurred in the summer of 1987 when Mir Hossein Mousavi was Prime Minister. Ahmadinejad said: “I don’t want to go into what was happened during Mr. Mousavi’s term and what they took through the airport and were arrested and what an ordeal became our country; but I will just say that our ties with them were severed. That is to say that during Mr. Mousavi’s term they acted in a manner that our ties with Saudi Arabia were severed.”

Defeated candidate and former IRGC commander, Brig. Gen. Mohsen Rezai, revealed during another  televised debate that the regime had spent billions of dollars to have the PMOI blacklisted by the European Union and United Kingdom.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 21, 2009