Iran: Mrs. Rajavi offers condolences to relatives of plane crash victims in Mashhad

The clerical regime is the prime cause of such disasters because it has squandered all of national wealth by spending it on suppression, export of terrorism, nuclear bomb or depositing it in the personal bank accounts of regime officials

NCRI – The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, sent her condolences to the families of victims of the tragic plane crash in Mashhad and prayed for the health of the wounded.

Mrs. Rajavi recalled last week's crash of another commercial plane which led to the death of all 168 passengers on board and added that these recurring catastrophes result from the shameful reign of the clerical regime, which squanders the Iranian people's national wealth by spending it on suppression, export of terrorism and fundamentalism and nuclear projects, or plundered by its officials.

The Iranian regime does not value people's lives the slightest bit and has done nothing to improve public services and welfare, transportation, and air travel.

Mrs. Rajavi also pointed to the refusal of the regime to offer clear reports and information about the previous plane crash and asked all the dignified personnel at the Aviation Industry of Iran to expose the regime’s ominous decisions which cause such tragedies.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 24, 2009

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