Iran: Khamenei Orders the Parliament To Restrict the Internet


The regime is trying in vain to curb social uprisings

                      by intensifying repression and censorship

On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, the clerical regime’s parliament discussed a plan ironically called “Legislation to protect cyberspace users’ Rights,” and, by invoking Article 85 of the constitution, instructed the so-called cultural commission of the parliament to look into the issue and provide the Guardian Council with its recommendation for final approval.

In doing so, Khamenei is trying in vain to curb social uprisings by intensifying repression and censorship, especially after the regime’s new president takes office. The goal is to block messages and the widely used social media platforms such as Instagram and WhatsApp.

Khamenei said on the first day of the Iranian new year, on March 21, 2021: “Despite all the emphasis I have made, unfortunately, the necessary monitoring has not been made in our country’s Cyberspace, and in one sense, it is really out of control … Cyberspace must be managed. This medium should not be given to the enemy so that they can conspire against the country and the nation.”

A number of the regime parliament’s deputies warned of the consequences of the plan to restrict the Internet. Saeedi, a regime’s parliament deputy, admitted: “While the parliament did hold even an informal session on issues such as drought, Khuzestan, and the Coronavirus vaccine, it did so for this plan. Today was not a good day for the parliament.”

According to the state-run Donya-e-Eqtesad website, “Yesterday, a letter was written to the deputies by Morteza Agha Tehrani, the head of the cultural commission, claiming that the plan was the result of the assessment of the executive branch and government institutions. He, and asked the deputies to vote for the plan.”

Jalil Rahimi-Jahanabadi, a member of the regime’s parliament’s security commission, also said: “With the implementation of this plan, we will see bizarre chaos and disorder in our relationship with the world and the relationship between people … Did they succeed in filtering the telegram or the satellite TV in society? This pattern of thinking has not worked in North Korea nor in Latin American countries.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
July 29, 2021

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