Iran: Following Navid Afkari’s Hanging Resistance Units, MEK Supporters Call on Youth To Rise Up

Maryam Rajavi, MEK, NCRI

“Uprising, the Response to Execution”

The execution of the young protester and national wrestling champion Navid Afkari, was followed by a wave of anger and abhorrence, especially among the rebellious youth. During the past two days, Resistance Units and supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK / PMOI) in Tehran and Shiraz, Navid’s hometown, as well as in various other cities, including Isfahan, Karaj, Shahriar, Rasht, Mashhad, Marvdasht, Lahijan, Ahvaz, Kermanshah, Abadan, and Mahshahr have posted banners, placards, and leaflets, writing slogans in public places, reaffirming their commitment to continue Navid’s path, in achieving freedom and democracy in Iran.

Some of the slogans were: “We will continue your path Navid-supporters of the MEK,” “The response to the execution is to rise up– Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi,” “Maryam Rajavi: Brave youth in Fars Province and city of Kazerun, rise up against the unjust sentences for Afkari brothers,” “Rise up and revolt in response to Navid’s execution,” “Fire is the response to the execution, We will overthrow you (Khamenei),” “The only way to prevent the execution of the likes of Navid, is to rise and revolt,” “Down with Khamenei, we will take revenge for Navid’s execution,” “Navid, your path will continue,” “I call on all freedom-loving people of the world to rush to the help of the Iranian people to overthrow the inhuman clerical regime,” “Maryam Rajavi: Navid’s martyrdom will fan the flames of the Iranian people’s uprising for freedom and will forever overthrow the clerical regime.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
September 14, 2020

Tehran- Activities of the Resistance Units: “The response to the execution is to rise up – Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi”- September 13, 2020
Activities of the Resistance Units in various cities- “Navid we will continue your path to freedom” – September 13, 2020
Tehran – Distributing leaflets on car windshields – September 13, 2020
Tehran – “Down with Khamenei, you will pay the price for Navid’s execution”- September 13, 2020
Various cities in Iran – “The only way to prevent execution of the likes of Navid, is to rise up and revolt – September 12, 2020
Tehran – “The response to the execution is to rise up” – September 13, 2020
Shiraz – “Maryam Rajavi: Brave youth in Fars Province and in city of Kazerun, rise up against the unjust sentences for Afkari brothers” – September 13, 2020
Tehran- “Maryam Rajavi: Navid’s martyrdom will fan the flames of the Iranian people’s uprising for freedom and will forever overthrow the clerical regime” – September 13, 2020
Various cities – Activities of the supporters of the MEK – “Down with Khamenei” – September 12, 2020
Activities of the Supporters of the MEK in various cities in response to the criminal execution of Navid Afkari- “Fire is the response to the execution, we will overthrow you (Khamenei)” – September 12, 2020
Karaj – Activities of the Resistance Units in response to the criminal execution of Navid Afkari – September 12, 2020

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