Iran: escalation of pressures on political prisoners, their families and PMOI sympathizers

As mullahs’ antihuman regime’s domestic and international crises intensifies, it has escalated its pressures against political prisoners, their families and PMOI sympathizers.
Elmira (Farah) Vazehan, a political prisoners has gone on hunger strike since October 5. She has done so to object the regime’s refusal to allow her to have an immediate operation.  She is suffering from heart disease and cancer.

Due to the deterioration of her illness, and after a massive bailout, she is under medical care outside of the prison she was held at. On September 19, just ahead of the Non-Aligned countries summit in Tehran, she was re-arrested. To the order of her torturers, the medical care and her operation, due on October 2 was ceased.
In December2009, Farah Vazehan was arrested, she was accused of having relatives and family members in Ashraf and was charged as “waging war by working with the organization”. First she was convicted to death and was subsequently sentenced to 15 years in prison. She, along with other female inmates at the clause are kept in Evin prison, in the section where dangerous criminals are held.

On Wednesday, October10, 2012, Mr. Ali Moezzi, a prisoner and a PMOI supporter, was summoned to the mullahs’ kangaroo court. For the third time he refused to attend the court. In last August, addressing the court, Ali Moezzi wrote: “Since based on unjust verdicts by Revolutionary Courts some of my fellow citizens were executed unjustly, I do not consider any legitimacy for these kangaroo courts with their verdicts issued in advance because their judges and those who fabricate files are themselves guilty.”
Ali Moezzi, 63, was arrested on  June15, 2011 just a few days after  his surgery. He was accused of participation in funeral ceremony of  PMOI supporter Mohsen Dogmehchi who was tortured to death in prison due to being deprived of medical treatment. Ali Moezzi, a political prisoner in 80s, was arrested again in November 2008 because of visitation with his two children in Camp Ashraf . He suffers from various illnesses including cancer, impaired renal function and acute neck arthritis. Nevertheless, regime’s torturers in prison have deprived him from any medical treatment.
Ayyoub Porkar, 49, is a political prisoner who has been banished to Behbahan prison (southern Iran) and is detained among ordinary prisoners. He is sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment on the charge of having ties with the PMOI. He lives in harsh conditions in Behbahan prison that lacks minimum medical and hygiene facilities.
The Evin prison authorities are preventing political prisones, Assadollah Hadi to his medical treatments. He is suffereng from heart disease. He is a political prisoner of 80s.   He was arrested in 2008 and charged with “acting against national security, disturbing public order” and sentenced to five years in prison.

In a ruthless reaction to the delisting of the PMOI, the torturers  summoned families of political prisoners and Mojahedin in Ashraf, attacking them with aggravated assault, namely Ha’ery family, conveying the message that they should consider it a largesse. Mashallah Ha’ery , 61, while hospitalized due to heart failure – 2 times stroke – and internal bleeding was arrested in December 2009  on the charge of visiting his son in Ashraf and was sentenced to 15 years. He is an ex-political prisoner of the 1980’s decade.  
Four months after the transfer of Arjang Dawoodi from Gohardash prison to ward  209in Evin prison there is no sign of him. After the transfer to Evin he was immediately taken under severe torture. Arjang Dawoodi,60, a writer and a teacher, was arrested on November 2003. The torturers are planning to put him on trial again after a fake paper work  on the charge of ‘Moharebeh’ (war against God) . The torturers are avoiding to provide medical care for him , he is suffering from series of illnesses.                               
In Zahedan prison (southeastern Iran), regime’s torturers have made more difficult the conditions of political prisoners including Mohammad Amin Agooshi, Ahmad Poolad-Khani and Manoochehr Mohammadi who were transferred from city of Urumieh to this prison. They have piled up political prisoners with addicted and dangerous prisoners so they have to sleep in turns. Food rations are nothing more than an egg, a potato and a quarter or half of a loaf of bread per day. Most of the prisoners are hungry all the time and suffer from malnutrition. On October 7th Iraj Mohammadi was attacked by mafia like groups in the prison and was severely wounded. In addition to suppression and torture of prisoners, the head of intelligence in Zahedan prison widely and freely distributes narcotics using his mafia like gangs.
On October10, clerical regime’s intelligence agents brutally raided some houses in cities of Karaj and Shahriar and started arresting the youth. Babak Heshmatsaran, 26 years old, son of Amir Hossein Heshmatsaran was arrested in this raid. Amir Hossein Heshmatsaran was a political prisoner who was killed in March 2009 by poisoned medication.
Three family members of Behnood Ramazani were sentenced to 20 months of hard labor imprisonment on the charge of holding commemoration ceremony for him. Behnood, 19, was a student and Babol Institute of Technology who was killed by criminal members of Bassij in fire feast ceremony in March 2011.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
 October 13, 2012

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