Iran: “Down With Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi”, Resistance Units Broadcast the Chants

An overview of city of Mashhad (Left) and Tehran’s Roudaki street (Right)

Resistance Units broadcast chants of “Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi,” and “Raisi is the henchman of the 1988 massacre,” in Tehran and Mashhad

Excerpts from speeches by the Iranian Resistance leaders aired: The choice of the Iranian people and their vote is to overthrow the clerical regime

Around 7 pm (local time), Thursday evening, February 24, 2022, the Resistance Units broadcast chants of “Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi,” “Raisi is the henchman of the 1988 massacre,” “No to crown or turban, mullah’s days are over, down with the principle of the velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical rule),” on Roudaki Street in Tehran.

At the same time in Mashhad, the Resistance Units broadcast on the 17th of Shahrivar Avenue (shopping district), excerpts from the speech of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), stating that “The people’s desire and vote is regime change in Iran.” They also broadcast excerpts of a speech by Mr. Massoud Rajavi, Leader of the Iranian Resistance, stating, “The brave Iranian people will topple and dismantle the clerical regime.”

The courageous activities of the Resistance Units happened during the busiest working hours of the shopping districts, and the state security and repressive agents were unable to react in any way.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
February 25, 2022

Tehran, Roudaki Street


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