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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceIran: Disintegration of the regime takes momentum- Maryam Rajavi

Iran: Disintegration of the regime takes momentum- Maryam Rajavi

Sample ImageDisintegration of the regime takes momentum, more purges are underway and face off with international community will step up

NCRI – Yesterday's remarks by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of the religious fascism ruling Iran, were described as a sign of an unprecedented escalation of political, economic and social crises by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance. This has intensified the trend of disintegration of the regime particularly after the sham Majlis (parliament) elections last month, she stressed.

Mrs. Rajavi added that Ahmadinejad's remarks also indicated that the way out of the crises and to evade inevitable downfall, as envisaged by the regime, was widespread internal purges, heightening of face off with the international community and intensification of its bid to obtain nuclear bomb.

Ahmadinejad said, "We have two tasks to follow simultaneously; first is to build Iran and second is to rectify the current state of the world … the full construction of Iran is only possible through active participation in the task to put the state of the world right … If we do not repair the prevailing corrupt relations in the world, then those who have the power would encircle us within our geographical boundaries and condemn us … Without changing these corrupt and tyrannical systems, it is impossible to reach the peak of progress."

In his speech yesterday, Ahmadinejad acknowledged the heavy burden of the sanctions on the regime and said, "Last [Iranian calendar] year was a difficult year and we were under a lot of pressure … some people in the country thought that if they go along with the enemies' economic pressures, threats and sanctions they will be able to defeat the popularly elected government by conspiracies and creation of disorder. They were planning to create division and disorder and openly declared that they controlled the country's finances and oil resources."

Ahmadinejad deceitfully claimed that he intends to enforce justice and spoke about more purges in a near future and said, "The most complicated matter after the revolution was the nuclear issue but we managed to overcome this matter by perseverance and firmness and we defeated the enemy. But we have not been able to enforce justice within the internal network in the country … Some of the monopoly networks are so strong that they can get necessary regulations and laws adopted in their own favor within the decision-making bodies. We have to stop them by amending our rules and regulations. I will stand firm until all those who are doing harm are changed and uprooted. I am not scared of anyone."

Mrs. Rajavi said that Ahmadinejad's ridiculous claims to enforce justice only enrage the public. The inhuman clerical regime and its leaders such as Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, Rafsanjani and their families as well as the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) are the main source of growing poverty, inflation and unemployment. Iran's annual oil revenue with current prices amount to $80 billion which is plundered by the mullahs' and spent on the regime's suppressive machinery, export of terrorism and fundamentalism, meddling in Iraq, Lebanon and other countries in the region and the nuclear projects.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 17, 2008