IRAN: Defiant Youths’ Activities Against Repression Continue and Spread in Different Cities

Protest actions and activities against the repression by defiant youths in different parts of the country have become more widespread in October.

Protest actions and activities against the repression by defiant youths in different parts of the country have become more widespread in October.

From October 10 to October 13, Tehran and other cities, including Karaj, Shiraz, Isfahan, Mashhad, Kermanshah, Arak, Orumiyeh, Alborz (Mehr Shahr), and Babolsar were the scenes of activities by defiant youths.

Posters of the regime’s former and current supreme leaders Ruhollah Khomeini and Ali Khamenei, symbols and branches of the Revolutionary Guards and the paramilitary Bassij were set ablaze in these cities. Large portraits of the Iranian Resistance’s leadership and anti-regime banners were posted in different areas, such as “the mullahs must go, sovereignty belongs to the people,” and “democracy, freedom with Maryam Rajavi.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 16, 2019

 Tehran – Bassij Center

Karaj – Seminary

Karaj – Seminary

Karaj – Bassij Center

Shiraz – Bassij Center

Isfahan – Khomeini and Khamenei Banner

Isfahan – IRGC Base

Mashhad – Khomeini and Khamenei pictures

Mashhad – Khomeini’s picture

Alborz (Mehr-Shahr) – Khamenei’s picture

Babolsar – Khamenei’s picture

Kermanshah – Bassij center


Banners and posters of Resistance’s Leadership, Massoud Rajavi, and Maryam Rajavi

Tehran- Massoud Rajavi, the historical leader of the Iranian resistance and chairman of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

Tehran-Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). The sign reads: ” Free Iran with Maryam Rajavi”.

Arak-Maryam Rajavi’s poster hung on a building’s entrance

Mashhad-Maryam Rajavi’s poster hung from an overpass. The sign reads “free Iran with Maryam Rajavi”  

Orumiyeh- Maryam Rajavi’s poster placed near the University sign. The text reads: “Freedom, democracy, with Maryam Rajavi”



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