Iran: Coordinated Show of Power and Senseless Threats


By Regime’s Minister of Intelligence, Attorney General, MP and other Regime’s Bodies against MEK and Iranian Resistance

In a report by Mizan News Agency, the judicial branch of the regime, Esmail Khatib, the Minister of Intelligence, stated, “Iran will undoubtedly pursue its security interests wherever they may be, both within our borders and beyond.” He also “commended the independent actions taken by Albania and other European countries”. The minister of the terrorist mafia issued a warning to “all countries that harbor misguided notions about the Islamic Republic of Iran and had a role in recent disturbances,” saying, “Security is not a subject that Iran will compromise on or neglect. Any country involved in these disturbances must face the consequences of their terrorist acts”.

At the same time, Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, the Chief Prosecutor of the regime, mentioned, “Until now, the MEK has continued to exist with the support of the United States and Israel. However, on June 20 of this year, they fell into a hidden trap in Albania. I hope this serves as a prelude to the annihilation of this malicious terrorist group… With the collaboration of intelligence, security, and judicial agencies, we have compiled 700 indictments against this terrorist organization, along with a list of the names of their terrorists. These have been submitted to the judiciary and will soon be addressed by the international court of Justice.”

IRGC Brigadier General Esmaeil Kowsari, a member of the parliamentary Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy, expressed, “Now that the MEK has lost their sense of security in Europe, particularly in Albania, and their transgressions have been substantiated with evidence, they must be repatriated to Iran and face trial. Iranian officials must actively pursue this matter.” He further added, “In recent months, Iranian security agencies have established communication with countries like Albania, yielding highly favorable results… Officials should focus on repatriating them and bringing them before the court”.

On June 26, the Defense News Agency quoted Saeed Shahabi, the director of the “Anti-Zionist International Research and Studies Center,” who remarked, “The shock that occurred on the meaningful date of June 20, against the MEK leadership, has various underlying factors and consequences… The tireless struggle of our country’s intelligence and security agencies against the Monafeqin terrorists has never ceased, both prior to and after their forced relocation to Albania… The enduring blow of June 2023 did not happen overnight; rather, it was the result of meticulous planning and notable coordination of field and diplomacy to implement this project, indicating a deliberate strategy in the short term to achieve long-term objectives… The execution and implementation of the operation were particularly carried out by a specific institution. However, the overall work indicates that it transcends the influence of the three branches of power”.

On June 27, Ofoq TV reported, “The Iranian people are pleased with Albania’s government actions in investigating and uncovering hidden aspects. They were previously indifferent, but now they clearly understand the significance… It appears that the United States’ disappointment with the MEK’s incompetence today is the most significant outcome we can infer from the message conveyed by the attack on Tirana”.

The Basirat website (affiliated with the IRGC Basij) published an article on June 27 titled “Why is the attack on the Monafeqin headquarters in Albania important?”: “Recent events have indicated a shift in the West’s approach to dealing with the MEK… The statesmen who previously officially and wholeheartedly supported the riots in Iran and the MEK have now turned against them, signifying a change in the West’s stance towards the MEK”.

Secretariate of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

June 28, 2023

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