Iran: Coordinated Efforts to Boost Regime Forces’ Morale


Leaders, Friday Imams, and Government Media Exploit Ashraf 3 Attack and Ban on Iranian Demonstrations in Paris

In a synchronized endeavor, leaders, Friday imams, and government media are collectively working to boost the morale of regime forces and counter their impending desertion. Faced with the growing threat of uprisings and the increasing public support for the MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq) and Resistance Units, the Iran newspaper, affiliated with Raisi, expresses hope that these recent events will undermine the domestic network of the MEK.

On June 24, the Fars news agency, affiliated with the IRGCquoted Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, the speaker of the regime’s parliament, stating, “You have seen what a disgrace the bully enemies and those who want harm to our country and nation and do not want the honor of Iran and Islam have fallen into. And we saw the peak of it in the case of the Monafeqin [i.e. MEK], how far is the peak of our power and sphere of influence.”

Referring to the developments in France and Albania, Iran newspaper (affiliated with Raisi) stated on June 25, “This event should be seen as a diplomatic success… The seizure of documents and information servers from the MEK provides a valuable opportunity for the Islamic Republic. It allows us to launch precise and intense attacks on the internal network associated with the MEK… The leadership of field and virtual agents in the riots of autumn 2022 has been one of the outcomes of the cooperation between domestic individuals and the MEK. As highlighted in detailed statements by the Ministry of Intelligence and the IRGC Intelligence Organization, the MEK plays a significant role in both leading the network of internal troublemakers and facilitating anti-Iranian propaganda in forums such as the Council of Europe”.

According to the Mehr state news agency, Zohreh Lajevardi, daughter of Evin Butcher and a member of the regime’s parliament, stated on Friday in parliament, “The shift in Europe’s stance toward the MEK is a result of the dignified diplomacy of the 13th government… The positive news of the Albanian court’s decision to allow police entry into the MEK headquarters has garnered media attention. Additionally, after 15 years, the ban on this group’s annual gathering in France indicates a changing stance among European countries regarding the MEK… Those who sought to sow chaos in our country’s cyberspace were killed with pepper spray”.

On June 25, Mashreq newspaper, affiliated with IRGC intelligence, quoted Kazem Gharibabadi, the regime’s deputy justice, who stated, “We witnessed the developments in France and Albania, as these countries have recognized the terrorist nature of this group… The countries hosting the MEK must be held accountable for allowing their presence and, in some instances, providing support. We expect these countries to deport the MEK, and we will continue pursuing legal action”.

Kayhan, Khamenei’s mouthpiece, on June 21, asserted that “France’s opposition to the gathering of the Monafeqin and the Albanian police’s operation against this organization’s base is a direct reflection of the exemplary power of the Islamic Republic and the West’s frustration in their 44-year endeavor to counter Iran… However, the actions taken by the West against the MEK in the past two days are insufficient. The Islamic Republic considers the West’s treatment of the MEK to be serious only when they hand them over to Iran for trial and punishment”.

Addressing the Albanian and French events, Farhad Bashiri, a member of the regime’s parliament, expressed on Sunday, “There is reason to celebrate, and we hope this process will continue. We anticipate a more forceful response to these corrupt elements, ensuring that they face severe consequences for their shameful actions”.

Addressing the situation, Noor Karimi, the Friday prayer imam of Ilam, emphasized the MEK’s full-scale cyber warfare and the support they received from European nations, which hosted a global gathering in France. However, thanks to the field power and the active diplomacy of the Islamic Republic, they are attacked in Ashraf 3, the host country. France surrendered to the will of the Islamic Republic and disallowed the group from organizing their gathering for the first time.

Ameli, the representative of Khamenei and Friday prayer imam in Ardabil shared insights on the government’s behind-the-scenes negotiations with European nations and indirect engagement with the United States. He stated, “These negotiations convinced both Europeans and Americans that supporting the MEK would hinder any understanding between them and us and their nuclear demands will never be fulfilled… The government of Albania attacked the MEK this week with a thousand police… France held a conference for them every year… France also said this week that it will not allow them to hold this conference…”

Biniaz, the Friday prayer imam in Kish, remarked, “The clash between Albanian police and the MEK, leading to numerous injuries and arrests of their leaders, is highly encouraging news…. Our adversaries are compelled to align with us”.

The Friday prayer imam of Saman highlighted that France and Albania are demonstrating a serious commitment to dealing with the MEK in order to gain the satisfaction of Iran.

In agreement, Hosseini, the Friday prayer imam of Karaj, stated, “Today, with the authority of the Islamic Republic system, we witness arrogant powers taking measures to draw closer to us. Recently, we have observed such actions in France and Albania”.

Expressing similar sentiments, Ghabishawi, the Friday prayer imam of Abadan, noted, “These days, we are witnessing the main supporters of the MEK destroying them. Merely shutting down Ashraf in Albania is not enough. They must compensate for the damage they caused our nation by supporting this group”.

The Director General of Justice of Isfahan province, in a speech before Friday prayers, commented on the diplomatic landscape, stating, “Every day, we witness new conquests in diplomacy. Dissenters must either flee, hide, or, by the will of God, fly and face the consequences as the people hold them accountable”.

Friday prayer imam of Sari, Mohammadi Laini, said, ” Today, we see that the Albanian police has attacked the MEK headquarters, resulting in casualties, including two deaths. France, which had previously facilitated the annual MEK gathering and provided facilities, has banned them this year.”

Secretariate of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

June 26, 2023

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