Iran: Collective hanging continues

The anti-human regime of mullahs in Iran is still continuing collective hanging in various Iranian cities.

On Wednesday October 10th, four prisoners were hanged in the central prison of Tabriz. Yesterday, of the five prisoners in Adel Abad prison in Shiraz three were hanged inside the prison and two others were hanged in public. On October 6th, six prisoners were also hanged in Zahedan prison.

Therefore, the number of announced executions by the regime’s media in the last five days is 14 people. The news about the secret executions in the prisons of various cities in Iran never leaks out. 

Intensified repression and the use of barbaric death penalty are the reaction of the mullahs’ regime to the widespread of strike and protest of Tehran’s Bazar merchants and other people who protest against deadly economic and currency crises. On October 3, thousands of people in Tehran with the slogans of “down with Khamenei, Down with dictator and, Ahmadinejad shame on you, let go Syria, do something for us protested and nearly 200 were arrested.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October, 11, 2012

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