Wednesday, July 17, 2024
HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceInt’l media cite Maryam Rajavi’s call for comprehensive sanctions

Int’l media cite Maryam Rajavi’s call for comprehensive sanctions

Following the approval of new EU sanctions against Iran, international media outlets across the globe have wired reports citing Iranian Resistance President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s call for comprehensive sanctions.
Associated Press, The Washington Post and Fox News TV reported:

“Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the Iranian Resistance – a group that seeks the Iran’s regime’s ouster – welcomed the decision to expand sanctions as ‘an essential preclude this regime from acquiring nuclear weapons’. She asked the EU to sever all economic and commercial relations with the religious fascism ruling Iran.
An affiliated group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran said it had learned from people inside country that the Iranian government was using banks’ money-changing operations as well as divisions of the National Iranian Oil Company to get around the sanctions against oil exports.
The Egypt-based al-Yowm al-Sabe wrote:
The Iranian opposition welcomed new EU sanctions against the Iran. Maryam Rajavi welcomed the EU decision to intensify sanctions against Iran. According to a statement released by the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran based in Paris, Mrs. Rajavi described the EU decision ‘as an essential step to preclude this regime from acquiring nuclear weapons’.
‘Iran’s imports and exports are predominantly controlled by the IRGC, and hence the EU’s economic relations with Iran practically contribute to suppressing people, nuclear projects, and the massacre of Syrian people by the IRGC,’ Mrs. Rajavi said.
Mrs. Rajavi pointed out that obtaining nuclear weapons is part of the religious dictatorship’s strategy for survival, which it will never abandon. Therefore, although comprehensive sanctions are an essential and indispensible element to stop the clerical regime’s nuclear weapons project, the ultimate and definitive solution for the world community to rid itself of the terrorist mullahs’ attempt to acquire nuclear weapons is a regime change by the Iranian people and Resistance. Thus, recognizing the Iranian people’s efforts to overthrow religious fascism and to establish democracy in Iran is more essential than ever.