Intensifying psychological warfare against Ashraf residents On the order of Iraqi Prime Ministry Committee charged with suppression of Ashraf residents and in line with orders from religious fascism ruling Iran, the Iraqi forces have intensified their d

On the order of Iraqi Prime Ministry Committee charged with suppression of Ashraf residents and in line with orders from religious fascism ruling Iran, the Iraqi forces have intensified their dirty psychological warfare against Ashraf residents.
On August 18, ten military vehicles of the suppressive Iraqi police SWAT quick response force, formed a military makeup from 11:00 until 14:00 in the eastern protection perimeter of Ashraf, pretending they intended to attack the residents.
Twelve vehicles of the same suppressive force formed a military makeup from 07:45 to 12:45 in northern plank of Ashraf which is occupied by Iraqi forces, to frighten residents of an imminent attack.

Terrorist Quds force and its Iraqi agents’ ridiculous ploys against Ashraf residents, like the inhuman four year old siege, two years of psychological warfare and rocket attacks against residents, will only strengthen their resolve to obtain their basic rights and to stand up against the inhuman regime ruling Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 19, 2012

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