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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceHead of Terrorist Quds Forces Orders Al-Maliki’s security advisor to send...

Head of Terrorist Quds Forces Orders Al-Maliki’s security advisor to send propaganda teams to Europe to Demonize the PMOI and Justify Situation of Liberty Prison as a “Temporary Transit Camp”

NCRI – During his visit to Iran, on 22-23 April, Nori Al-Maliki  along with his security advisor, Faleh Fayaz al-Ameri, who heads the Iraqi Prime Ministry Committee tasked to suppress Ashraf residents, presented an extensive report of their measures against residents of Camp Ashraf and Liberty to Ahmadinejad and Ghasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds terrorist forces receiving their commendations.  The Iranian regime is commissioning the government of Iraq to do the following as a condition to continue its support for the shaky Premierships of  Nori Al-Maliki:

1- To expedite transfer of the reset of Ashraf residents to Liberty in a way that Ashraf would be closed before the fall of Bashar Assad’s government.

2- To make the conditions in Camp Liberty even worst in order to pressure people into passiveness and surrender.

3- To station a number of Quds and Iranian intelligence agents around Camp Liberty.

4- To enact the arrest warrants.

5- To send campaign teams to Europe to demonize the Mujahedin and justify the situation of the Liberty prison as a “Temporary Transit Camp”.  This would be done under the directions of Al-Maliki’s security advisor and others such as Deputy Foreign Minister  Lbid Abawi, representative of the so-called Ministry of Human rights Heidar Al-Agili, and representatives of the Ashraf Suppression Committee such as Sadiq Mohammad Khzim who is representative of the Prime Minister’s office and who is from Camp Liberty’s government management and one of the main perpetrators of the massacres in Ashraf currently summoned by the Spanish Court.  These teams are commissioned to justify inhuman treatment of residents of Liberty and Ashraf and the crackdown on the opposition of the Iranian mullahs’ regime in Iraq.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 2, 2012