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Geneva international conference in support of Iranian people’s uprising and Ashraf resident’s protection

Geneva International Conference:
Swiss lawmakers, former high-ranking US officials, jurists and international figures support Iranian people’s uprising for a democratic change in Iran, and call for guarantee of Ashraf residents’ protection

NCRI – On the anniversary of international Women’s Day, on Tuesday, March 08, 2011, which coincided with the UN Human Rights Council summit in Geneva, lawmakers, political figures, former high-ranking officials and Swiss, European, American and Arabic jurists, while hailing the freedom-seeking endeavors of women all across the world, supported the courageous uprisings of the Iranian people for a democratic change in Iran. Participants in this conference reiterated that concomitant with the wave of change in North Africa and the Middle East, the international community, especially the West, must side with the Iranian people and their rightful demand.

The conference, while giving support to the rights of residents of Camp Ashraf, home to 3400 members of the PMOI in Iraq, emphasized on the necessity to lift the 3-year-long inhumane siege on Ashraf and to stop the psychological torture of the residents, which is being carried out day and night with 210 loudspeakers.
Messrs. Jean-Charles Rielle, Francine John-Calame and André Daguet, Luc Barthassat, Alice Glauser-Zufferey,  and Eric Voruz members of the Swiss Federal Parliament; Christian Dandres, Member of Geneva Grand Council;

Christiane Perregaux, Head of Geneva Legislative Council; Nils De Dardel, lawyer and joint Chair of the Swiss Committee in Defence of Ashraf; Erica Deuber-Ziegler, historian and former MP; Howard Dean, Governor of Vermont for six terms from 1991 to 2003, and Chairman of the US Democratic National Committee (2005-2009); Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Prime Minister of Algeria; David Mattas prominent Canadian jurist; and Prof. Ruth Wedgwood, head of the International Law Department at John Hopkins University addressed the international conference.
In this conference, members of the Geneva Grand Council announced the declaration by the majority members of the Council in support of Camp Ashraf residents. The majority members of the Council urged the Swiss government and the Foreign Minister to convince the government of Iraq to:
• Dissolve the committee in the prime minister’s office charged with suppressing Ashraf residents immediately and Ashraf be placed under the supervision of the Parliament of Iraq;

• Put an immediate end to psychological torture of Ashraf residents by the agents of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence which is being carried out with 210 loudspeakers.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, in a video message said: This situation has made it inevitable for the West to revise its policy towards the Middle East, specifically the dictatorship ruling Iran. The Iranian people have in recent weeks again risen to change the regime. As such, standing with the ruling religious fascism would be more disgraceful than ever.

She described halt in purchase of oil from the regime, referral of mullahs’ dossier of human rights violations to the UN Security Council, and measures to issue an international arrest warrant for Khamenei on the charge of crime against humanity, as prime and necessary steps to be taken vis-à-vis the regime.
In reference to pressures and all kinds of restrictions imposed on Camp Ashraf residents by the Iraqi government and Iranian regime’s agents, Mrs. Rajavi called on participants in the conference to take urgent steps to end siege on Ashraf, lift the ban on the entry of medicine to the camp, take down the loudspeakers and stop psychological torture of the residents.
In reference to the role of Switzerland, She said: On the one hand, Switzerland is home to international human rights agencies. As such, this puts Switzerland on the side of those helping the oppressed. On the other hand, the Swiss government is one of the most important trade partners of the regime and during Ahmadinejad’s tenure, this country has doubled its trade with the regime. In 2010, when international sanctions against the regime were expanded, Switzerland exported some 900 types of commodities to Iran, which the regime critically needed.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 8, 2011