Export of terrorism under “Islamic Awakening” banner



Khamenei: The objective of region’s uprisings is religious rule of people based on Islamic Sharia and formation of a Unified Islamic Ummah

NCRI – On Saturday, September 17, mullahs’ regime gathered a number of its elements and cohorts from various countries in Tehran under the pretext of “Islamic Awakening Conference” to brief them on region’s new circumstances and clerical regime’s new plans and programs for the export of terrorism and fundamentalism.

Speaking at length on regional developments in his speech in this conference, Khamenei dared not break his silence regarding the courageous uprising of the Syrian people entering its seventh month and much like his previous speeches refrained from mentioning his strategic ally.

Dreadfully worried about the expansion of uprisings for freedom in the region on the one hand, and craving to extend thievery of leadership of revolution to these countries on the other, in a ludicrous fashion, he branded the objective of the uprisings as “systems of Islamic democracy… based on Islamic Sharia”. He warned, “We should be cautious and quite sensitive not to confuse this with the western liberal democracy… the scene continues to be evolving and needs to be given shape to and drawn to a final point.  Do not let secular or western liberalism patterns be imposed upon you.” He emphasized, “The ultimate goal should be Unified Islamic Ummah (society)  and establishing modern Islamic civilization…”

Khamenei, whose brutal clerical regime has backed Libyan and Syrian dictators for three decades in massacring the people and the youth, did not hide his fury over Qaddafi’s fall and said, “In Libya, NATO has created irreparable damages. Had NATO and U.S. not intervened militarily, the people might have triumphed a little bit later, but instead that much of infrastructure would not have been destroyed, that many innocent women and children would not have been killed, and then the enemies that used to be accomplices and collaborators of Qaddafi would not have claimed the right to meddle in this suppressed and war-stricken country.”

Khamenei also said last week in his meeting with the members of Assembly of Experts, “Religious rule of people, which is the innovation” of Khomeini is a pattern for rising countries and the Iranian regime should not allow the enemies “to take advantage of the emerged vacuum; this vacuum must be filled with Islam.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 17, 2011

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