European Parliament delegation’s visit to Tehran is considered as complicity with religious fascism in its crimes and is condemned by Iranian people

• EP should avoid this visit and not allow its prestige and credit to be distorted

Iranian Resistance condemns scheduled visit of a number of European Parliament members to Iran under mullahs’ rule, and asks EP president to prevent their visit and not to allow them to distort EP’s prestige and credit by supporting the most ruthless contemporary dictatorship. 

The motivation behind such a visit is neither a delusion about the mullahs’ regime’s capacity to become moderate, nor even due to appeasement policy in general, but before anything else, the incentive is certain personal, party, or business interests aimed at painting a pretty picture of religious fascism that in addition to killing Iranian people, is deeply involved in massacre of people in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, and is doing its outmost to achieve nuclear bomb.
Through such visits, these individuals and their behind-the-scene circles vainly attempt to prevent definite overthrow of this regime on which they have made immense economic and political investments.
This visit is being made at a time that only few days have passed since the widespread demonstration of Bazaar merchants and people in Tehran chanting “Death to dictator”, and while gallows continue to be prepared in prisons and in every city for collective executions of prisoners aimed to intensify atmosphere of intimidation in the society.
The leaders of mullahs’ regime should be brought to justice for their crimes against    humanity and genocide, particularly in Iran, Syria and Iraq. Shaking hands with them by any party is condemned by the people of Iran and is considered as complicity in these crimes. Such visits will only benefit the regime to intensify repression, to continue its ominous nuclear weapon project, and to export terrorism and fundamentalism.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 19, 2012


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