EP resolution urges de-listing of Mojahedin of Iran

European Parliament cites EU Court of Justice and UK court rulings urges removal of People’s Mojahedin Organization from terror list

Maryam Rajavi: Council of Ministers’ defiance of the European people’s representatives and court rulings emboldens mullahs to intensify their suppression at home, pursue nuclear weapons, increase violent meddling in Iraq, and export of fundamentalism

NCRI – The European Parliament adopted a resolution, condemning systematic and flagrant violations of human rights in Iran and underscoring the rulings of the European Court of Justice, and the UK Court (Proscribed Organizations Appeal Commission) which annulled the designation of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) in the EU terror list. It called for the removal of PMOI from the terror list.

The resolution recalled the "decision of the European Court of First Instance of 12 December 2006" that annulled the inclusion of the PMOI in the EU terror list.

The resolution stipulated that the European Parliament:  "Takes note of a decision of the British Proscribed Organizations Appeal Commission of 30 November 2007, calling on the British Home Secretary to remove the PMOI from the list of proscribed organizations immediately."

The resolution strongly condemned the systematic and flagrant violations of human rights in Iran, the continuation of the Iranian regime’s nuclear program and its enrichment of uranium.

The resolution noted "the number of executions in Iran, including those of minors, often by public hanging, has dramatically increased in recent years and in particular during the last few months", "there has been confirmed instances of executions, often carried out in public by hanging or stoning, torture and ill-treatment of prisoners,… the application of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, including flogging and amputations, and impunity for human rights violations", "the violent repression of political opponents, human rights defenders, journalists, web loggers, teachers, intellectuals, women, students, trade unionists, and persons belonging to religious, ethnic, linguistic or other minorities has increased", "minorities are increasingly discriminated against and harassed due to their religious or ethnic background and continue to face repression of their cultural and civil rights, such as Azeris, Sufis and Sunnis; whereas members of certain minorities even face torture and execution such as Ahwasis, Kurds and Baluchs", "the exercise of civil rights and political freedoms has deteriorated in the last two years, notably since the presidential elections of June 2005."

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, welcomed the adoption of this resolution and thanked to the representatives of the people of Europe for their support for justice, rule of law, human rights, and peace.

Mrs. Rajavi said: Today, the representatives of 500 million Europeans have cast their decisive vote on the clerical regime and on the position of the EU Council of Ministers and the UK Government in appeasing the religious fascism ruling Iran and in defying the court rulings to remove removing the PMOI from the terror lists.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe had also called for implementation of the EU and UK court rulings last week.

Mrs. Rajavi added: As such, two pillars of European democracies, i.e., the judiciary and the legislative branches, have clearly urged an end to this great injustice. The Council’s insistence to continue this labeling is a mockery of the rule of law and a disregard for public opinion. The Council’s action undermines efforts to combat terrorism in hopes of appeasing the religious fascism ruling Iran.

Mrs. Rajavi pointed out: The Council’s defiance of the court rulings and the will of the people’s representatives sends a message of weakness to the clerical regime and emboldens it to increase suppression and executions, accelerates its drive to acquire nuclear weapons, intensify its violent meddling in Iraq and export of fundamentalism throughout the region.

The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance underscored: In the European Parliament resolution, the representatives of people of 27 EU member states have urged an end to this injustice to the PMOI. The clerical regime in its final phase of rule in Iran is facing unprecedented crises as the Iranian people are increasingly demanding their freedom on the one hand, and the list of executed prisoners is getting longer on the other.

Mrs. Rajavi added:  Under such circumstances, any investment in this medieval regime is doomed to fail and cannot prevent inevitable change in Iran.

The Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe last week adopted a report and resolution. Citing the report, the resolution reiterated that "The Council of the European Union and the EU Member States must implement immediately the decisions of competent European and national judicial institutions affecting the status of the listed persons or entities."  

The report criticized the EU Council for not implementing the verdict by Court of First Instance of the European Communities (CFIEC) in removing the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) from the EU terror list.  The report added, "PMOI’s fundamental rights continue to be violated." The report also noted that the ruling by the Proscribed Organizations Appeal Commission (POAC) ordering the British government to de-proscribe the PMOI was "a real slap in the face for Her Majesty Government."

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 31, 2008

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