Delays and More Breeches of Commitments by Government of Iraq in Transferring Belongings of Residents to Liberty

Despite previous agreements with UNAMI and the GOI to transfer 25 trucks of remained equipments and belongings of 800 residents of Ashraf, who were transferred from Ashraf to Liberty in groups 4th and 5th, on April 16 and May 4, on Tuesday June 19, the Iraqi government once again refrained from bringing in trucks to transfer their belongings.

According to the agreement reached in presence of UN monitors, this transfer should have taken place by May 6, but it was postponed deliberately by obstructions many times.
On June 13, UNAMI said that a workgroup will come to Ashraf in order to discuss this matter as well as confiscated belongings in two containers (estimated about 120000 dollars), transferring of air conditioners to Liberty and also selling of the belongings of the residents. Ashraf representatives welcomed this initiative but UNAMI announced that because of security conditions they cannot go to Ashraf on June 16 and therefore they postponed it.
Later, Mr. Martin Kobler, declared through a monitoring report to the UN which was attached to his June 14 letter that:  “GoI will provide 25 trucks for loading of the items remained from M4/5 on 19/6/12. Resident’s representatives agree to start loading on 19/6/12.”  Also “GoI will allow 300 AC’s to be transported with the remaining personal belongings from 19/6/12. Resident’s representatives agree to start loading on 19/6/12.”
On the same date, the matter was approved by Ambassador Daniel Fried.
But today, June 19, 2012, the trucks did not come to Ashraf and once again this promise along with many other commitments of the government of Iraq and SRSG letters did not materialize.
The behavior is another example of how reality is and what the nature of negative publicities are depicting the residents at fault with surrounding delays in transfers to Liberty.
NCRI stated in its statement yesterday that the main problem is failure to meet commitments and fulfill agreements.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 19. 2012

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