Danaifar, clerical regime’s ambassador to Iraq, calls for arrest of 80 PMOI members



NCRI – Following the ruling of the Spanish National Court and the launching of investigations on crimes committed on July 28-29, 2009, in the context of crime against international community, war crime, and crime against humanity; and the summoning of Major General Shemmari as the commander of these assaults, Danaifar, the clerical regime’s ambassador to Iraq, in a hasty and frightful act demanded the arrest of 80 members of PMOI from the Iraqi prime ministry and placed a request to this end to Mr. Nazim Farman al-Aboudi, head of Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court.


The terrorist Qods force and the Intelligence Ministry had prepared this list of 80 and the corresponding court arrest warrants in such a hurry that a good number of those in the list are either deceased members of PMOI like Ebrahim Zakeri who passed away in Paris in 2003; PMOI martyrs such as Sohrab Hamidi who died in 1991 in the defensive operation of Morvarid; or members of the Resistance in Europe, the U.S., or even inside Iran; or individuals who have never been a member of PMOI or the National Liberation Army of Iran. A copy of this list and the arrest warrants has reached the Iranian Resistance from inside the IRGC.

Danaifar who had previously called for the trial of those Iraqi leaders who disclose the terrorist and criminal meddling of the Iranian regime in Iraq, in his interview with the state-run daily of Hamshahri on January 18, while acknowledging Iran’s interference in Iraq’s internal affairs, assumed responsibility for this list of 80 saying, “We believe a considerable number of Ashraf residents are detained by less than a hundred of commanders…we have officially declared that a group of thirty-eight and another group of forty-two of them are guilty…”

In this interview, Danaifar assumed responsibility for the psychological torture of Ashraf residents and while referring to MOIS agents who have been stationed around Ashraf’s perimeter as so-called families of residents said, “These are in addition to the families who go beside Ashraf Base and demand their children and now a condition has been prepared that they can call them using loudspeakers.”

Following the ruling of the Spanish National Court, the ICJDA which encompasses 8,500 lawyers in the United States and Europe, in a letter to Mr. al-Aboudi, while recalling its previous letters and notes to him, wrote: “It is necessary to note that after the Spanish Court came to this conclusion that in the current situation of Iraq, a fair judicial process for Ashraf residents, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, does not exist, it undertook the investigation into the crimes committed against Ashraf residents, and stipulated that grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention under which Ashraf residents are protected, are considered as war crimes and those responsible for such violations should be prosecuted and punished.” This letter goes on to add: “Other officials responsible for this attack and others, whom during these years have systematically violated the rights of Ashraf residents as protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention, will subsequently be summoned to appear before this court.”

The letter to al-Aboudi then stipulates: “Taking into consideration the Spanish National Court ruling and the launching of legal proceedings on the case of Ashraf, the time has come for you to close the case filed against Ashraf residents at the behest of the Iranian regime and under the orders of the Iraqi Prime Ministry, and refer this lawsuit against Ashraf residents, with all the evidence and witnesses, to the Spanish National Court. If you do not respond to this letter within 10 days, it will be accounted as your acceptance of this suggestion, ie; the closure of the case in the court under your supervision whose mandate has already terminated and referral of the case to the Spanish National Court.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 20, 2011


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