Conference Marking the Holy Month of Ramadan: “Islam, A Religion of Mercy, Brotherhood, Equality; Solidarity Among All Faiths and Against Extremism”

Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) speaking at the Ramadan Online Conference
Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) speaking at the Ramadan Online Conference

2,000 locations in 40 countries join MEK members in Ashraf 3, Albania

online Maryam Rajavi: The ruling clerics of Iran are hostile to all Abrahamic religions and all religions of Islam

Call on all anti-fundamentalist Muslims to stand with the Iranian people and their struggle to overthrow the regime. The struggle to establish a democratic and pluralist republic will herald the tolerant and peaceful coexistence among followers of various religions and denominations.

A conference entitled, “Islam, Religion of Mercy, Fraternity, and Equality; Solidarity of All Faiths against Extremism” convened on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, on the invitation of the International Islamic Committee in Defense of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK) and the Iranian Resistance, chaired by former Algerian Prime Minister Sid Ahmed Ghozali. This conference connected over 2000 locations in 40 countries to the members of the MEK at Ashraf 3. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) joined the conference from her residence in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. Dozens of dignitaries and religious leaders from 28 countries also joined the conference online.

In her speech, Mrs. Rajavi congratulated the advent of the holy month of Ramadan to all Muslims, particularly to those in Iran and neighboring Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, and Afghanistan, who are victims of the mullahs’ religious fascism. Referring to the COVID-19 pandemic, she said: Today, the pandemic has changed the face of many countries, but Iran’s case is different. The regime ruling Iran has deliberately been seeking massive human casualties to prevent popular protests. It has used the Coronavirus as a shield to fend off uprisings to the extent that the mullahs’ supreme leader Ali Khamenei declared a ban on the purchase of vaccines from the U.S., Britain, and France. The ruling mullahs turn a blind eye to the warnings and requests of specialist physicians to confront the Coronavirus and reduce its fatalities. With 250,000 deaths out of a population of 85 million, Iran has the world’s highest death toll, after the US and Brazil. Khamenei has ultimate responsibility for the massive death toll.

Stressing the fact that the recent decision by the regime to enrich uranium to 60% purity is another step towards acquiring nuclear weapons, Mrs. Rajavi said: Ramadan, the month of fasting, starts in circumstances where the lives of many Iranians are devastated every day by high prices and various deprivations as millions of people are unemployed. On the other hand, Khamenei refrained from spending even a tiny portion of the trillions of dollars of his assets to the fight against the Coronavirus to provide for the public’s health and healthcare. In reality, the Iranian people simultaneously face two monsters: the virus of religious fascism and the Coronavirus, she added.

Comparing MEK’s Islam with the mullahs’ Islam, Mrs. Rajavi reiterated: Islam’s special attribute that we believe in is that it is democratic. This Islam recognizes the rights of various denominations and creeds and other schools of thought… Now let’s see how different the MEK’s Islam is with what Iran’s ruling mullahs claim to be their interpretation of Islam? The mullahs destroy Sunni mosques in Iran. They prevent the construction of Sunni mosques in Tehran. They have turned the Shiite mosques into centers of espionage and oppression. They close down and destroy places of worship belonging to various creeds of Shiism, like the Gonabadi Dervishes. They have imposed double oppression on our Kurdish, Arab, Turkmen, and Baluch sisters and brothers, depriving them of their rights. In reality, Iran’s ruling mullahs do not respect Shiite, Sunni, or any human life for that matter. Indeed, why do they imprison and kill the Baha’is? Why do they suppress, assassinate and execute the Sunnis?

Emphasizing the fact that today, the ruling religious fascism in Iran has stepped into a phase of failures and defeat despite all the bloodshed and clampdown that it has committed, the NCRI President-elect added: So long as the clerical regime has not been overthrown, it will not abandon repression, religious discrimination, and misogyny. It will not abandon its meddling and crimes in Middle East countries because it relies on these policies for its survival. But there is a solution to this ominous calamity that has taken hostage the destinies of Middle East countries and poses the greatest threat to global peace and security. The solution is to overthrow the mullahs’ religious fascism by the Iranian Resistance and the uprising of the Iranian people. And today, the MEK, the people of Iran, and their courageous children have risen up to bring down the rule of religious dictatorship.

Mrs. Rajavi recapped: On behalf of the Iranian people and Resistance, I urge all anti-fundamentalist Muslims, and all countries in Europe and the Middle East, to stand with the Iranian people and their struggle to overthrow the regime. This struggle to establish a democratic and pluralist republic will make possible the tolerant and peaceful coexistence of followers of various religions and denominations.

Maryam Rajavi speaking at the Ramadan Online Conference

In the “Solidarity of all faiths against extremism” conference, dignitaries and distinguished religious leaders worldwide spoke. The speakers included, Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Algerian Prime Minister; Bassam Al-omoush, former Jordanian Minister and Jordan’s Ambassador in Tehran; Anwar Malek, Writer and president of the Algerian human rights watch, Elona Gjebrea, Secretary of the Albanian Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee and former Deputy Interior Minister; Riyad Yassine, former Yemeni Foreign Minister and Ambassador to France; Khaled Alyamani, former Yemeni Foreign Minister, Mohamed Askar, former Yemeni human rights Minister; Azzam al-Ahmad, one of the leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization (Fatah); Ahmad AbouHashish, Deputy Speaker of the Palestinian Parliament; Taisir Altamimi, former Palestinian Chief of Justice; Tahar Boumedra, former UNAMI representative in Iraq; Bishop Jacques Gaillot; Muslim religious leaders in France, Dhaou Meskine, Khalil Merroun, and Assani Fassassi; Al Hadj Abdollay, coordinator of the French Federation of Islamic Associations in Africa, the Comoros and the Antilles (FFAIACA); Representatives from the parliaments of Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt, Nazir Hakim, former Secretary General of the Syrian National Coalition; Ahmed Jarallah Writer from Kuwait; Struan Stevenson, former MEP and President of the European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA); Marc Ginsberg, former US Ambassador to Morocco; Walid Phares, Co-Secretary General of the Transatlantic Parliamentary Group on Counterterrorism; Bishop John Pritchard, former Bishop of Oxford; Rabbi Moshe Levin, Vice President of the European Rabbi Conference and Spokesman for the Grand Rabbi of France, Jalal Ganjei, Chairman of the Committee of Religions and Denominations of the National Council of Resistance and Kak Baba of the Revolutionary Khabat Organization of the Iranian Kurdistan.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
April 14, 2021

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