Clerical regime’s demand to extradite two Iranian dissidents

Finnish Justice Minister rejected the inquiry

NCRI – Iranian Resistance calls for expulsion of the regime from Interpol and removal of documents submitted to the international police against members and supporters of the resistance

In a statement on Friday, the Finnish Minister of Justice firmly rejected an application of expulsion for two Iranian dissidents submitted by the religious dictatorship ruling Iran. The statement also rejected a request by the regime to open an inquiry against the dissidents as irrelevant and said the evidence submitted were not creditable.

Thus, the regime’s efforts over the years to take advantage of the International Criminal Police Organization's mechanisms and in particular, its efforts during the past two weeks to put pressure on the Finnish government failed in disgrace. What is even more important is that this time a credible European judicial authority acknowledged the regime’s abused of Interpol and its procedures and that the documents and verdicts handed over by the regime to the Interpol lacked any credibility. 

Messrs Mohammad Ali Jaberzadeh, Chair of the Political Studies Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and Hadi Roushan Ravani, member of the NCRI have been in Finland since December 2, 2008. Their names are on a long list of members and supporters of the Resistance provided by the Iranian regime to the Interpol accused of involvement in killing civilians in the country.

Based on the list, the clerical regime made an absurd demand of arrest and extradition of the two gentlemen to the mullahs' authorities.

The firm response by the Finnish Minister of Justice was yet another strong blow to the regime and its agents on the international scene.

During the past two weeks the regime mobilized several groups in its Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Judiciary, the Iranian branch Interpol and other apparatus to produce documents about the two to submit to the Finnish government.

On December 7, two MOIS agents identified as Karim Rahimi and Mostafa Mir Jaberi, arrived in Helsinki introducing themselves as members of the Iranian branch of Interpol.

They intended to get the two Iranian dissidents extradited or at least open an inquiry against them in Finland.

Earlier, the United Nations and a number of other European countries such as France, Switzerland, Norway and Britain had declared that they do not recognize the documents and arrest warrants issued by the Interpol which were provided by the mullahs’ regime. They reiterated that such documents could not be used as bases to act upon against individuals through Interpol.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the Interpol not to tarnish its international credibility by keeping the Iranian regime as a member. It also calls on the Interpol not to pay attention to the documents provided by the Iranian regime against members and supporters of the Iranian Resistance and devoid its files from such documents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 12, 2008

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