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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceCapturing of 48 guards and the mullahs' regime contradictions

Capturing of 48 guards and the mullahs’ regime contradictions

Desperate efforts of the Supreme National Security Council, the Qods Force, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the regime’s economic bodies to save the Assad regime

On Tuesday August 8th, three days after the arrest of 48 criminal revolutionary guards by Free Syrian Army, Saeed Jalili, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of the mullahs’ regime, arrived in Damascus for talks with Syrian vampire dictator. Meanwhile, Maj. Gen. Pasdar Firouz Abadi, the Iranian regime’s Armed Forces Chief of Staff said:

“Al-Saud, Qatar and Turkey are responsible for the blood spilled on Syrian soil.” Ali Larijani, speaker of the mullahs Parliament, threatened the United States and a number of countries in the region, that “they are responsible for the killing of Iranian pilgrims and will receive an appropriate response at the right time.” (Fars News Agency, Aug. 8).
While the leaders of the mullahs’ regime are trying to escape the scandal by calling the arrested people as a group of Iranian “pilgrims,”  two weeks ago the Foreign Ministry spokesman had announced that “due to being unsafe in Syria, no pilgrims will be sent to this country.” The mullahs’ regime Embassy in Damascus had also acknowledged that “Official sending of pilgrims to Syria has stopped” (ISNA state-run news agency August 4th). It is interesting that on the same day the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were arrested, mullah Shahsavari of the regime’s Hajj and Pilgrimage had declared: “Given the special situation in Syria, we have no pilgrims have in this country” (IRGC news agency – Fars – August 4th).
With the prospect of being closer to the fall of Syrian dictator, the mullahs’ regime has intensified its activities to suppress the Syrian uprising. The Supreme National Security Council of the regime, chaired by Ahmadinejad, follows constantly the situation in Syria and takes necessary measures to support Bashar Assad regime. These decisions will be implemented after the approval of Khamenei. Syria’s economic problems are also followed and coordinated by Mehrab, Economic Deputy of this Council (former Deputy Minister of Intelligence).
In addition to the Supreme Security Council, a special crisis committee has been established in the terrorist Qods Force under the command of Qasem Soleimani for Syria. The direct commander of the arrested  forcesin Damascus is  one of the Qods Force commanders whose nick name is Haji Haider.  He is the Qods Force commander of operation in Lebanon but as the situation in Syria deteriorated, he was transferred to Tehran and now he is in the Qods Force headquarters in Tehran.
The regime’s Qods Force commander in Lebanon -currently in Damascus- is Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi. He frequently travels from Tehran to Lebanon and Damascus. Since the 1990s to 2006, Zahedi was one of the operational commanders of the Qods Force in Tehran. In 2009, He was appointed as the commander of the  Qods Force in Lebanon at the order of Ghasem Soleimani and approved by Khamenei. Zahedi’s name also appears on the list of individuals under sanctions in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1747.
Currently Brigadier General Razi Mousavi, one of the commander of the Qods Force in Lebanon is based in the regime’s embassy in Damascus and follows logistical works.
In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also a special committee chaired by Marvi, Deputy Director General for the Middle East, is responsible for Syria. 
To support Syria economically, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, a commander of the Qods Force, has been appointed as Foreign Minister economic adviser. Kazemi Qomi who had been the regime’s ambassador in Baghdad has a wide range of facilities in Iraq that he uses them to serve in Syria. Among other things, he pours large amount of money to Iran by replacing counterfeit imported Dinars from Iran with Iraqi Central Bank dollars. Kazemi Qomi also uses the “Islamic Ilaf” Bank in Iraq, which is completely under his control, for monetary transactions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
August 09, 2012