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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceBerlin International Congress

Berlin International Congress

Support for uprising in Iran and residents of Camp Ashraf in a gathering of thousands of Iranians joined by German lawmakers, former US, German and Arab senior officials

European Union to end deals with companies affiliated to Revolutionary Guard Corps, impose sanctions against Tehran’s officials for suppression of uprising and rights abuse

NCRI – In an international congress in Berlin, March 19, senior American officials under Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations, political figures and other personalities from European and Arab countries expressed support for people’s uprising in Iran and examined prospects of change in that country. They underlined the need to adopt an appropriate policy to counter Tehran’s efforts to take advantage of the uprisings in the region and spread of Islamic fundamentalism.

 Mr. Leo Dautzenberg (Member of German Bundestag from 1998-2011) handed over the statements by 150 members of Bundestag on the humanitarian protection of Iranian dissidents in Camp Ashraf, removal of the PMOI from the US terror list and to stop executions in Iran.

In this event that convened on the eve of the Iranian New Year, Nowrouz, senior U.S. officials including Governor Howard Dean, former Chair of the U.S. Democratic National Committee (2005-2009); General Peter Pace, Chair of the US Army Joint Chiefs of Staff (2005-2007 ); General Hugh Shelton, Chair of the US Army Joint Chiefs of Staff (1997-2001); Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Algerian Prime Minister; Patrick Kennedy, son of the late Senator Edward Kennedy, a member of the House Representatives (1995-2011); Mitchell B. Reiss, Director of Policy Planning of the US Department of State (2003-2005); Michael Mukasey, US Attorney General (2007-2009); and Louis Freeh, FBI Director (1993-2001), addressed the gathering. Similarly Gesine Schwan, presidential candidate for German Republic; Günter Verheugen, European Commissioner (1999-2009) and former minister of state in German Foreign Ministery; Otto Bernhardt, Finance Spokesman for Christian Democratic/Social Democratic group in Bundestag (2005-2009) and a member of Board of Directors of Konrad Adenauer Foundation; and Prof. Christoph Degenhardt, jurist and lawyer, were among other speakers of the event.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, the keynote speaker at this gathering, noted that the only way to end the horrific ordeals of the Iranian people and removal of the main terrorist threat in the world was regime change in its entirety and establishment of democracy in Iran. “The only leverage to achieve this goal is the third option, namely democratic change by Iranian people and their organized resistance. You can see the crystallization of this resistance in Ashraf that is a source of inspiration for young people in their struggle for freedom,” she said.

While criticizing the Western governments’ approach against change in Iran, Mrs. Rajavi added: Three successive governments in the United States have helped the regime to stay power by maintaining the PMOI on the blacklist. This destructive policy that has continued in past two years bore devastating consequences for the Iranian people and resistance. Repeated attacks of agents of the regime against Ashraf has caused many deaths and injuries among the Mojahedin.

In reference to rapid developments in the region, Mrs. Rajavi called on all Western governments to stay on the right track of the history and asked the international community:
1 – By ending purchase of oil from the mullahs, refrain from funding the suppression of the Iranian people.
2 – Take necessary steps to issue international warrant against Khamenei for crime against humanity.
3 – Remove terror label from the PMOI in the US and formally recognize the resistance of the Iranian people.
4 – Take action to remove the speakers around Camp Ashraf, to end the psychological torture of the residents and inhuman blockade of the camp, especially to lift criminal medical restrictions and the United States and the United Nations to undertake protection of the camp.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 19, 2011