Ashraf 3 – Albania: Commemorating the 32nd Anniversary of the 1988 Massacre of the Political Prisoners

Ashraf 3 – Albania: Commemorating the 32nd Anniversary of the 1988 Massacre of the Political Prisoners
Ashraf 3 – Albania: Commemorating the 32nd Anniversary of the 1988 Massacre of the Political Prisoners

Maryam Rajavi: Call for justice to hold the Iranian regime to account

On the second day of the Free Iran Global Summit, on Sunday, July 19, 2020, an online international conference, entitled, “The 1988 Massacre, A Crime Against Humanity, Remains Unpunished 32 Years After,” was held on the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and the 32nd anniversary of the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners. Held at Ashraf3, the event was attended by Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI President-elect. Several international lawyers and political figures, as well as several MEK members, who had served time in the mullahs’ prisons and witnessed the massacre, spoke at the gathering.

Speaking at the gathering, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi called the 1988 massacre, “The greatest unpunished crime against humanity.” By his fatwa sanctioning the 1988 massacre, Khomeini intended to annihilate the generation of the PMOI/MEK, to guarantee his rule, just as the Mongols did in Iran. For this reason, she said, from the outset, when the details of this massacre were revealed, we have called for the prosecution of the masterminds and perpetrators of this great crime against humanity.

Mrs, Rajavi said that the NCRI was founded to prevent anyone from usurping the outcome of the suffering and sacrifices of martyrs, as happened during the anti-monarchic revolution in 1979, and to guarantee a democratic future for Iran. Let us glance over the plans and resolutions of the National Council of Resistance of Iran and the transitional government, which have been adopted starting over four decades ago. They genuinely shine bright and have been vindicated over time, she added. The Plan calls for:

Mrs. Rajavi added, In the past 40 years, the regime has continuously and regularly declared that the PMOI/MEK and the Iranian Resistance are its main enemy and the regime’s first red line. For four decades, the clerical regime has been making every effort through its demonization campaigns, executions, massacres, and terrorism, to destroy this alternative, which is what needs to exist. It has been seeking to convince the world that there is no alternative to this regime and that the world must get along with the mullahs. And when it failed to destroy the PMOI/MEK and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), it claims that the PMOI/MEK and the NCRI are worse than the regime and, therefore, again, the world must succumb to this regime.

The NCRI President-elect noted, Last week, the Iranian regime’s Minister of Health cited a report from his security and intelligence colleagues saying, “People resort to protests and revolts out of poverty and destitution… All security, intelligence, and military forces… must think of how to prevent another upheaval.” It is not without reason that the regime is directing its demonization campaign against the PMOI/MEK and the Iranian Resistance. The issue at stake in Iran is Resistance for freedom, people’s universal suffrage, and a sovereign republic in place of the rule of the mullahs and religious dictatorship. For 40 years, the mullahs have been viciously crucifying the PMOI/MEK and the Iranian Resistance, every day with the barrage of their lies and unfounded allegations, just like they killed and tortured our people and barbarically destroyed Iran.

Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that the Plan to form the National Solidarity Front to overthrow the mullahs’ religious tyranny stipulates that if anyone seeks a republic and a democratic political system based on the separation of religion and state, they are undoubtedly with us. The Plan for the National Solidarity Front is ignored precisely by those who have built a bridge to the Shah or the mullahs. So, we face groups and individuals who are either with the clerical regime or are their de facto allies or are somewhat aligned and moving in the same direction with the regime. They are aligned with regards to sanctions and the nuclear and missile projects, or the activation of the snapback mechanism in the six suspended U.N. Security Council resolutions against the regime, or over the terrorist designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), or in the case of Qassem Soleimani, and the regime’s interventions in Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen.  They are in agreement and aligned with the regime over all these issues, and hence against the NCRI and the MEK. But on the other hand, there are those who have stood up to this regime and are, therefore, with us or move in the same direction as the Iranian Resistance. This is the primary, most significant, and greatest demarcation in Iran today.

Prominent personalities and jurists such as Baroness Boothroyd, former Speaker of the House of Commons, Giulio Terzi, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Geoffrey Robertson QC, a human rights barrister, Professor Alan Dershowitz, prominent U.S. civil rights lawyer, Ingrid Betancourt, former senator and Colombian presidential candidate;  Ambassador Lincoln Bloomfield, former Assistant of U.S. Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs,  Ambassador Ken Blackwell, US ambassador to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights,  Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC, representative of the International Commission of Jurists on Human Rights Missions, Henri Leclerc, Prominent French Lawyer and Honorary President of the Human Rights League, Alejo Vidal Quadras, Former Vice President of the European Parliament, Struan Stevenson, former President of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq, Tahar Boumedra, former Chief of the Human Rights Office of UNAMI, Steve McCabe, MP,  Els Van Hoof, chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Belgian Parliament, Senator Lucio Malan, Honorary Vice-Chairman of the Italian People of Freedom Party, Renata Polverini, member of Italian Chamber of Deputies, and former President of the Lazio region, Senator Leo Housakos, member of the Canadian Senate, Taissir Tamimi, former chief Islamic judge of the Palestinian National Authority, and  Lars Rise president of the Committee of the Friends of a Free Iran in Norway, spoke at the conference.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

July 19, 2020

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