An Iraqi delegation comprising of those responsible of Ashraf massacre comes to Europe on the order of terrorist Qods Force to justify crimes against and demonizing PMOI

The National Council of Resistance of Iran declared on May 2nd that during Maliki’s trip to Iran (April 22-23), the terrorist Qods Force had mandated his Security adviser to dispatch delegations to Europe in order to demonize the PMOI and justify the conditions at Liberty prison. These delegations, first of which being in Europe starting June 18, are charged to justify inhumane and suppressive behaviour towards residents of Ashraf and Liberty in their meetings with politicians and reporters in Geneva and Brussels.

In these delegations, in addition to Maliki’s Security Adviser’s deputies, Lobeid Abbawi, Foreign Affairs deputy Minister, a few Generals and intelligence and police colonels, and members of Iraqi Prime Ministry Committee tasked to suppress Ashraf residents and those responsible for two massacres, siege and psychological torture of residents are present. One of them is criminal Sadeq Mohammad Kazem, the government appointed manager of Camp Liberty who has been summoned by the Spanish court for his role in two massacres. In addition, people from ministries of Justice and Human Rights are seen in these delegations. Since April, Falah Fayyaz, Maliki’s Security Adviser, has ordered these ministries to fabricate files against Mojahedin that can be used in delegations’ meetings and press conferences.

The Iranian Resistance calls for banning wanted criminals to enter Europe, parliaments and institutions of the United Nations. The entry of killers and executioners is violation of the fundamental values that these institutions have been established to defend.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 17, 2012

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