Workers demonstrate against the mullahs’ new labor laws

NCRI – Yesterday, a large group of deprived workers from several workshops in eastern Tehran and Karaj demonstrated in protest to decision made by the Mine and Industry Commission in Iran’s Majlas for initiating anti-labor laws.

Under the pretext of reforming labor laws, the Commission is trying to implement measures against the deprived workers in Iran. The crowd in front of the Majlas were shouting slogan against the Mine and Industry Commission. The workers chanted, “The labor laws are treason, treason, and the Commission shame on you leave alone the labor laws,” the state-run new agency ILNA reported on Monday.

The protesting workers said, “They would continue their protests until such time that the discussion on reforming labor laws is over all together.”

The Iranian Resistance condemns the anti-labor polices of the mullahs’ regime and calls on the international human rights organizations and labor unions to support the just demands of the deprived labors in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 31, 2006

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