Uprising in Tehran denounces Iranian regime’s fuel rationing

Last night, and shortly after the Iranian regime announced the start of a fuel rationing program, residents in Tehran, Khuzestan, Gorgan, Azerbaijan, and elsewhere took to the streets in protest.  Protesters set ablaze gas stations, government vehicles, and chanted antigovernment slogans.  Video footages smuggled out of Iran document the protests and slogans such as, “artillery, tanks, and fireworks may come to bear but Ahmadinejad must be killed.”  The protests continued for hours after midnight.

In response, the state security forces, revolutionary guards, and intelligence agents attacked the demonstrators, injuring a few while arresting many others.

Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian resistance, issued a statement praised the heroic efforts of the people of Tehran and elsewhere in Iran, specially the youth. She emphasized that the undemocratic policies of the Iranian regime have always been designed to benefit the ruling few. As long this illegitimate regime remains in power, she added, the people of Iran will not be free from oppression, hunger, arrests, and torture.  This is because the mullahs’ regime is using the nation’s wealth, technology, and industries in support of its nuclear program, procurement of arms, export of terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism, as well as for its domestic suppression apparatus.  

Mrs. Rajavi added: “Iranian people live on a sea of oil yet continue to endure poverty, restrictions, fuel shortages, and remain in dire need of the most basic life and work necessities.  For this reason, the Iranian people have a right to rise up to demand their inherent rights including freedom and choice of government.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
Jun 27, 2007

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