United Nations: Ahmadinejad delegation shrinks substantially due to visa problems



NCRI – Mahmoud Ahmadinajad, the Iranian regime’s President, was forced to attend the 64th session of the UN General Assembly with a much smaller accompanying delegation than expected due to their failure to obtain visas.

This has been while the Iranian regime had applied for visas for a 122-member delegation through Swiss embassy in Tehran, which represents the U.S. interests in Iran. 

Details of some of the members of the delegation who could not accompany Ahamadinejad in his visit to New York are as follows:

Morteza Bakhtiari, Justice Minister, member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). He is one of the key officials of the Iranian regime involved in suppression and killing in prisons.  He played a major role in massacre of some 30,000 political prisoners in 1988 and he has been involved in suppression of recent uprising in Iran.

Brig. Gen. Mohammad Javad-zadeh Kamand, a member of the IRGC’s Joint Chief and currently in charge of the conscripts.

Ali Zabihi, Ahmadinejad’s advisor.

Brig. General Hossein-pour, Ahmadinjead’s pilot whom he stressed on accompanying him on the trip.

A group of members of IRGC and Ministry of Intelligence and Security who planned to accompany him to work under the covers of security officers and reporters also were unable to obtain visas.

A number of others whom the regime’s Foreign Ministry had planned to dispatch as members of the body in charge of “Affairs of Iranians living aboard” were unable obtain permission to enter U.S.

Among the others who could not accompany him on the trip were members of the mullahs’ parliament.

Ahmadinejad’s trip has aroused outrage among Iranians living in exile. In solidarity with the nationwide uprising, Iranians gathered outside the United Nations in New York to protest against his visit. The protest symbolizes the will of the Iranian people to overthrow the clerical regime.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General, heads of states and officials participating in the General Assembly session to adopt firm decisions and binding measures against the Iranian regime. It also calls on them to respond positively to the demands of the Iranian people for establishment of democracy and freedom and recognition of the Iranian Resistance.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 23, 2009

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