Iran: Three Environmental Activists Killed While Extinguishing the Fire in Paveh Honored

Three environmental activists killed while extinguishing the fire in Paveh honored
Three environment activists lost their lives fighting a local forest fire in western Iran

On Sunday, June 28, three environmental activists, Mokhtar Khandani from Nosud, Yasin Karimi from Shamshir village, and Bilal Amini, a resident of Paveh, were killed while trying to contain the blaze in the mountains of Markhil of Paveh. Several others suffered burns.

According to eyewitnesses and local officials, the cause of the humanitarian catastrophe is the lack of any support from state and military organs, which have the necessary equipment needed for extinguishing the fire. Especially since this fire has occurred on impassable terrain, which requires engineering equipment, helicopters, and aircraft to put out, absent such machine, the people, especially environmental activists, began to put out the fire with empty hands and without the necessary equipment.

On Sunday evening, a large number of people in the city of Paveh paid homage to the victims.

The fire in Paveh is one of the dozens of major wildfires that have erupted in various parts of the country in recent weeks. Having destroyed the country’s environment, the clerical regime has done nothing to prevent these fires, nor has it taken sufficient action to put them out. The Revolutionary Guards and the army have the necessary equipment to deal with these fires, but the clerical regime refuses to use them.

According to IRNA news agency on June 28, Fereydoun Yavari, director-general of the Kermanshah Crisis Management, said, “Impassable terrain and landmines in this border area require that the fire be extinguished with the help of airplanes or sprinkler helicopter, but apparently such equipment has no place in the protection of our environment.” He added, “I wish that a site equipped with planes or sprinkler helicopters would be designated for every few provinces.  Due to the rough terrain and steep slope, in areas such as Bozin and Markhil, the chance of rescuers falling is very high.”

The mullahs’ anti-human and anti-Iranian regime either plunders or spends the country’s wealth on repression and unpatriotic nuclear and missile projects or warmongering abroad. For this regime, the interests of the nation, the lives of the people and the environment are of no value. This is the regime that sends workers and toilers to the altar of Coronavirus, abandons the flood and earthquake-stricken people, who, after two years, continue to live in tents or containers. Instead of helping them, the regime demolishes their homes over their heads.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

June 9, 2020

Balal Amini

Mokhtar Khandani

Yasin Karimi

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